My journal is now friends only.

Jan 31, 2012 18:15

This is because I Googled myself the other day and because I had written my name, in an entry I made, my LJ came up. What if someone from work Googles and learns about the fiend I am? I really just don't want them to find out that I was JAck the Ripper. It might go against some of the conditions of my employment. Also because my weird step-dad tries to get me into trouble by telling my mum things I wrote on MySpace when I was, like, 19 or something ( WHAT A DICK.)

So message/friend me/comment on this if you wanna check it out.

You can still read some of the journal from back in the day. Because I am far too lazy to go back and make all my posts friends only. Unless there is some kind of magic button that will do it all for me? Let me know.

Goodbye cruel world!... Hello sexy world.
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