
Jun 02, 2014 12:36

The cause of our application is violations of the art.49 ( rights on free access to health care service) on of the Constitution of Ukraine by the local governments and public authorities.
By the decision of Globyno District Council in 2011 and in 2012 the Gradyzka district hospital #1 was reorganized to the участковую hospital , and later to the clinic of general practice of family medicine that means reducing of hospital, вопреки art. 149 of the Constitution of Ukraine.
There were violations of Methodical recommendations of the Health Ministry regarding needs of the population regarding legal power of these decisions, art.15 of the Law "On access to public information " regarding the terms and order of publication of projects and decisions of District Council , art. 59 of the Law "On local self-government in Ukraine.

Due to the reorganization the secondary level of health care (стационарные медицинские отделения и профильные специалисты поликлиники) was concentrated mainly in the central hospital of Globyno -the administrative center of Globynskiy district , one of the largest areas of Ukraine, its area is equal to the total area of the three district of the region - Karlivskiy, Chutovskiy and Shyshatskiy.
However, due to the absence of regular and comfortable for patients bus service between the settlements that were in the former district of Gradyzka hospital and Globyno city, our access on health care of the mentioned above level was decreased (снизился)
In these conditions patients вынуждены to use service of private cars (taxi), but only for one trip to the district hospital they must spend from their small salaries and pensions about 100-200 UAH and spend a lot of time on waiting in очередь
Growth of distance and bad condition of roads in the emergency case will not give opportunity to deliver patients to the central hospital in time, and this is a thread not only for their health, but also for their lives.
This situation caused справедливое возмущение of about fourteen thousand of people, who were previously served by the former Gradyzka hospital.
In spring 2013 there was sent the appeal from the group of deputies of village councils to the President of Ukraine. Due to the absence of regular and comfortable for patients bus service there was a request to renew the work of the former Gradizka regional hospital #1 or at least renew the clinic, because most of patients are treated as outpatients. This вариант could improve the access f citizens to the secondary level of health care and save budget money on roads repairing and organization of bus connection and also peoples money on renting private transport and decrease очереди in the central hospital.
However our right on access to health care service, that is in the art.49 of the Constitution of Ukraine закреплена, was not renewed by the government.
Our requests were rejected in spite of above-mentioned article of the Constitution of Ukraine and Article 8 of the Basic Laws of Ukraine about health care, according to which the State recognizes the right for every citizen on health, provides protection and takes measures for its renewal восстановления.
Кроме того, there was not taking into consideration by officials the Order of the President of Ukraine #128 from 12.03.2013, according to which the population of Ukraine is assured заверили, that health reform will provide to citizens equal and справедливый access to health services of high quality and further increase of accessibility of health care service.
Moreover the authorities ignored the legal norm of article 3 of the Constitution, according to which a persons life and health are recognized as a highest social value, and human rights and their guarantees determine the maintenance and direction of the state activity and its officials of any level.
Taking into consideration the обстоятельства, in August 2013 residents of our village applied for protection of their rights to the Ukrainian Parliament Comissioner on Human Rights.
The Ombudsman has been granted appropriate representation to local and regional administrations with requirement to устранить the violations.
Both administrations in their written replies to Ombudsman заверили that availability of medical servise will be renewedby regular and comfortable bus servise for patients with Globyno city, where the district hospital is situated.
But since that time has already passed six monthes and despite the efforts of the representative of Ombudsman the abovementioned violations are not liquidated.
Unfortunately, the national legislation does not provide to Ombudsman sufficient legal influence that make the appropriate officials to исполнять submission in time.
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