May 06, 2011 09:12
i had that feeling like this place was a guest house and we were visiting in a different country again, like i first did when we moved in here. i thought it was to do with moving in and not feeling totally adjusted, turns out its to do with the first clear, warm days of summer making me feel like im a guest in this country. its amazing how much clearer i am, how much more motivated and strong, grounded i feel just with a two-day break from the overcast skies and all the rain.
cordelia is on a fig jag - figs for breakfast, figs for snacks, figs with lunch, figs before bed. figs in the diaper bag to take on the road. luckily we bought her two big bags of dried figs from the ONFC because she is eating her way through them at quite a speed. i am not complaining though - figs are not a bad food to become addicted to. it makes for diapers that me and jim call out "not it! not it! i did it last time!" though.
and oh yeah - the ONFC is wonderful, and we need a bigger kitchen to stash it all away in. where do you put an entire case of whole wheat rotini? now try this - where do you put it when you dont want your kid to unpack it for you and crush all the pasta into crumbs every day?
there was a mysterious, brown chunky root vegetable-thing on the counter that i didnt recognize. i asked jim about it today, wondering if it came from the market and i just failed to notice it showing up. "its horseradish. it was an impulse buy when i was at the grocery store yesterday". i thought about how awesome it was that our impulse buys are horseradish and not other, much worse things. his plan is to make his own horseradish sauce. i am reminded on a daily basis how grateful i am to have the life i do. the trick it to be able to pay attention to those reminders.