Weekly wrap-up the third! As always, use the Sunday to read, view and leave feedback. Acknowledging your gift is also much appreciated :).
And if you’ve recced any
springtime_gen fic or art, let us know in a comment to this post. Works that collect three recs will be forwarded to the HP newsletters.
7 May 2011
Let us not talk falsely for
miramiraficfic (Arthur, Pansy; PG-13; 4700 words)
6 May 2011
A Friend in Need for
downjune (Luna, Ginny, Draco, Hermione; PG; 1452 words)
5 May 2011
Vigil for
sigune (Minerva, Flitwitck; G; 1098 words)
4 May 2011
The Betrayer for
curia_regis (Remus, James, Lily, Baby Harry, Sirius, Peter; PG)
3 May 2011
What The Dark Lord Doesn't Know for
alley_skywalker (Lucius, Antonin, Bellatrix, Narcissa; R, 3923 words)
2 May 2011
Find Eyes to See the Bright of Day for
icarusinwax (Harry, Andromeda, Ginny, Ron, George, Hermione, baby Teddy; PG-13, 5,500 words)