Title: My Father Before Me
midnitemaraud_rCharacter(s): Teddy Lupin, Cedric Diggory
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 8,900 words
Warnings (highlight to view): AU
Summary: Teddy and Cedric make a vow to reform the Centaur Liaison Office, but the price may be more than they can bear.
Betas: Bookofsecrets and Mhazie
My Father Before Me )
Comments 77
I will not have it said that my grandson failed in the performance of his duties
I love this. Yay for Andromeda!
Firenze calmed with visible effort. "Such arrogance!" he whispered. "You are like all the others of your kind, assuming that every being wants the same things that you do. We are not merely humans with horses' legs. We are centaurs."
I really like the way that you tease out the hints we're given in canon about the centaurs and the fact that they really are so very different. The ancestor aspect was very moving, and it's so typical that modern wizards wouldn't be aware in the slightest of the terrible damage their politics did so long ago.
The ending is beautifully done, too, and I especially liked the last line.
I also liked your take on the Centaurs.
I enjoyed particularly all the little details you put in - the symptoms of a wizarding malady, centaur history, and especially the way Jakob Goldstein thought he was exempt from sacking simply by being related to Anthony! (It is a little chilling how things seem to have gone the other way a little, but not implausible either.) All very creative and it made this story so rich!
Well done!
( ... )
I confess to shamelessly cribbing from Min's essays on Native Americans when writing the centaurs so I can't take full credit for them. As for Cedric being "middle-aged," Teddy is a teenager. Be grateful he didn't call him old :)
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