Gah! Wow, I love this. I love how ambiguous it is, the way you sort of edge around what's happening tangibly and instead give us so much of a) the sensory details and b) the emotions involved. This could be the beginning to so many stories, and yet you only give us the beginning, which I think works perfectly. Lovely.
So eerie. It's fascinating how it takes until almost the end of the story to figure out what's going on (and there's one or two pieces I think I'll have to read a second time.)
I don't think have any idea what's going on (my denseness, not your writing I assure you) but I enjoyed this thoroughly anyway. The way it's built up from fragments is really lovely.
I have trouble being clear (and remembering that not everything I think I've included is included in the fic) but I'm glad you liked this despite the blurry plot - thank you!
Comments 24
This was amazing! I'm still a bit gooey after reading it, so I'll probably come back later, because I always have more to say!
Thank you so much for writing this. ♥
Hmm, time for a re-read and a ponder.
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