May 07, 2006 22:21
My legs ache from work and play...but mostly work.
Jess is love.
These are words of course, it's what I do.
Excuse my pleas but the Apollo's in my veins. It snuck through a break in my skin and it's heading for my cpu. I knew you were an astronaught and you assumed you would not be caught. Good luck to you, here comes a clot. Is that yarn you're using to knot a string of thought around my heart? Congratulations, we've survived and truthfully I'm surprised that my sweet tooth kept us supplied and that my pulse kept you alive;you've got a good eye. I guess we make a good team.
"Apollo to your bad dreams...end the scene!!"
My veins push and flow and my heart beat starts to slow so I think it's time to go...where are you? Soaring off to the moon? I'll be meeting up real soon.
Save me a seat in that vessel!
Space travel is unattainable, but I can dream...I mostly don't.