Nov 15, 2008 16:36
I took my first injection last night. Doctor's appt was supposed to be 9:00am but they had to push it to 1:00pm due the Schering not having the med there on time. Meds came in at 10:30am. I took my first injection at 2:30pm and my 3 pills of Riba. I take one injection per week and 3 pills twice a day. That is for the first 8 weeks. Then they will start the Boceprevir. And that will be pills three times daily and the timing is important. So many hours apart and not to far apart. So I will have to be very deligent in taking my meds on time. Depending on what arm I am put into it will or could be the real thing or a placebo. But eventually somewhere along the line I will be getting the real med no matter what. I have a Palm/electronic diary I have to put my meds into daily and it goes directly to Schering-Plough. I was told they are watching this study very closely as the Boceprevir is close to being approved by the FDA. The nurse told me there are many people that would like to be in this study trial. I am one of the lucky ones to be in. She only has 10 people in it, don't know if that means for the whole state or not but I think so. She told me I was pre-approved and got in right away due to my compliance with the other study and my history. So I am feeling grateful for being in this study.
Injection at 2:30pm and 3 pills of Riba. 5:30pm felt I needed a nap. Woke up from nap around 8:30pm and was starting to feel achey with chills. By 10:30pm I had chills so bad my teeth clanked together so hard I was sure I was going to need dental work. Took my 3 other Riba. Fever 102.5. Extremely tired. Up and down all night feeling awful. Whining a lot LOL. Couldn't get comfortable most of the night. Hubby said I did a lot of moaning in my sleep. Talking in my sleep. I was very headachey.
Woke up at 8:30am soaking wet, I guess from the fever breaking and was feeling better. Still a little headachey. But feeling pretty good so far today. Even have some energy. I got to enter my first days meds into the palm diary.
Wow the journey begins. Again.
treatment study