Title: Daddy Dearest
Rating: T (language)
Author: Emiko Ishida
Summary: Sasuke left two daughters when he went to the Sound. After thirteen years of Naruto posing as their father, Sasuke is back. But can Sasuke mend the rift between him and his daughter Miyuki? What happens when they find out he was an ex-missing nin?
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Bitter ReunionsChapter 3:
Will of the HeartChapter 4:
A Song is BornChapter 5:
SinsChapter 6:
Calm After the StormChapter 7:
Youthful DiaryChapter 8:
Why?Chapter 9:
TearsChapter 10: Save Us
Sorry for the late update! I'd REALLY appreciate it if you guys reviewed.
-Emiko Ishida