The fair was super fun! The roller coaster broke as soon as Christina, Jess and I got out of our little car. Seriously, Kayemarie, Tommy and Will were in the car behind us, and they didn't even get to ride. The technician made them get off! Whoa. The other rides were really fun too. After the fair, we went swimming at Tommy's (briefly), then went to Rhi's. We played truth or dare and spin the bottle. UGH. Never again. If I hadn't been slightly tipsy, I wouldn't have done something like that. Sigh! My mom picked me up in Sebastopol at around 10 (I had to wake up at 8 after going to bed at around 4). After a brief meltdown at the post office (sigh), I went home and slept for four more hours.
Yesterday was mother's 50th birthday party! I got sick on Friday, so yesterday I was definitely not looking forward to it. However, after putting on something besides pajamas (a gorgeous shirt I stole from Emma, who has amazing clothes) and seeing Celeste Berg and James Hansen's mom (I love her) and Galen, it got better. My mom convinced me to invite, I guess. Gerard made paella, which was wonderful. There's a whole bunch of leftover that I'm going to eat for lunch, yay! He told me the Quiviera is having engine problems, so they're stuck in Nassau. Ha. Ha. Ha...but yes, the party was fun; it was nice to see everyone. And the huge chocolate cake from Hopkins Street Bakery in Berkeley was good! Plus, my mom loves her iPhone. Sigh, I want to steal it!
Shit, I have to go to Chicago on Wednesday, maybe. I would love to see my cousins/aunt/uncle/Chicago/the lake/the Morans, but I wish I had gone in June. On the plus side of going, the long plane ride by myself will give me an excuse to finish whatever reading I have put off (that will probably be most of it, sadly, but I'm going to try to do the Spanish stuff today while everyone else is hiking).
SCHOOL. Stupid. But, I'm looking forward to back to school shopping and seeing everyone and getting a new computer.
So. Back to school clothes. Awesome!