Title: Bumblebee's rock
Author: Caitilin
Beta: Christy (Thank you!)
Fandom: Transformers/Torchwood
Characters: Bumblebee and Jack
Rating: NC17
Warnings: xenophilia. Masturbation. Fun.
Challenge: -June 27TH
Crossover: Transformers/Doctor Who; Jack/Bumblebee, xenophilia, "I'm Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?"
Note: As it didn't specify if this was Cartoon!Bumblebee or Movie!Bumblebee I chose for Cartoon!Bumblebee.
Crouching behind a stand of bushes, Captain Jack Harkness looked out over the bluff. There, as promised, was a smallish yellow Volkswagen bug. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary about it, nothing unusual, unless you’d heard the rumours that it was haunted or possessed. He'd been hearing those rumours a lot.
And after the Year that Never Was, anything mechanical that was alive scared people. Instinctively and reflexively, their subconscious remembered the Toclafane, and right now they were about to start a witch-hunt. Unless, that is, Torchwood investigated. And Torchwood, in this instance was Jack. He remembered, but his team wouldn't, and he couldn't risk going back to them, especially Ianto, until he got his reactions to that disastrous year under control. He needed some time to decompress, himself. It had been easy to pick up this alert and handle it himself. After all, Ianto was the one who had brought him the PDA.
A song drifted back on the breeze, sad and soft and then abruptly cut off before changing to hard metal. A few seconds later it changed again, settling down onto Queen's 'Too much love will kill you' and Jack tried to ignore his feelings. Too much love had killed him, several times. Too much love had seen him tortured, raped, mutilated, starved and beaten at the hands of the Master. Many times. Action, that was always better.
He stood, keeping his hand on his gun, until he circled the car and saw the small red emblem on the bonnet. An Autobot. An older model bug by the look of it. He patted the bonnet gently, then moved around and opened the door, surprised when it opened smoothly. These cars always looked like they shouldn't.
"Hey. I know you can hear me. I know you're an Autobot, and I know what an Autobot is. I'm Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?" He patted the dash gently. It took a few moments before the radio crackled, and a light tenor voice came out of it, slightly metallic and rusty sounding but almost certainly male. Although Jack had met one female Autobot he'd initially assumed to be male due to the pitch of her voice, usually they followed similar scales as humans.
"You know us?"
Jack smiled. "Hey beautiful. Yeah I know you. Spent some time with a couple of very nice soldiers..." He trailed off. It was still in the future, and not something he could talk about.
"Autobots?" The car asked again, wistfully.
"Yeah. Autobots. That’s how I recognized the emblem," he patted the dash again.
"What do you want?" he asked again.
"How about you tell me who you are, hmm beautiful? Then I'll tell you." Jack asked again, running his hand over the steering wheel.
"Bumblebee. I'm Bumblebee," the radio grill said again, softly. "What do you want?"
"Well, you see, its a bit confusing but the locals get a bit anxious when they see a car driving around on its own. Want to tell me what you're doing?" Jack asked softly. The radio stayed silent. Jack sighed. Maybe he needed to give a bit more.
"I met them in the future. I can't tell you more than that," he admitted. The light on the radio flickered slightly.
"Does the war ever end?" Bumblebee asked very softly.
"Which one? The one with the Decepticons? You didn't hear this from me, but yeah, it does. I can't tell you who wins though. The guys I hung out with? Safe as houses," Jack told him, hoping to reassure Bumblebee.
"And the humans? Do they ever stop?" Bumblebee asked. Jack shook his head.
"No. We have times of peace and times of war. But it never stops. Not completely. There's always…" Jack's voice broke. "There's always people who want to hurt other people."
"Get out." Bumblebee said. Startled, Jack did as the Autobot bid him. He wasn't entirely surprised when the car transformed into a yellow autobot slightly larger than himself. Bumblebee walked over to the edge of the cliff and for a moment Jack thought he was going to jump, but instead he sat down, looking out.
"Is this the best we can do then? Short times of peace?" he asked sadly. Jack shook his head.
"No. We can make things better, one person can change the world. We can make a difference." he refuted. Bumblebee looked up sharply.
"Hope," he said, just one word. Martha's code name. Hope.
"Yeah, you have to have Hope. But sometimes? Sometimes hope comes along and finds you. And she's a pretty lady," Jack told him, smiling. It wasn't like anyone remembered the Year that Never Was. Except for those on the bridge of the Valiant.
"Hope. I met Hope. Last year," Bumblebee shook his head.
"Last year?" Jack asked, cautiously. Bumblebee nodded. "What happened?”
"A woman calling herself Hope came and visited the Ark. We… listened. I helped her." He turned away. "She was on a mission. I helped her." he grimaced, obviously not relishing the memories even now.
"Yeah, so did I," Jack admitted. All those times he'd died... he shook his head. "But she fixed things. Her work, it fixed things. We just need a little hope, a little trust and a little faith. " He put his hand on the Autobot's arm as he sat down next to him.
"A little energon, and a lot of luck?" Bumblebee sounded like he was quoting someone. Then he shook his head. "I'm a soldier. I... I know what happened. I know there was a year that somehow exists in my memory banks and then got deleted… But the backup is still there. I still remember." He turned to Jack. "I am a soldier." He said it with such desperation that Jack knew he was clinging to that statement.
"Yeah you are. I was… I am too. And sometimes we get the rough jobs. The jobs nobody else can do. Sometimes we have to be everyone's rock. You were a rock too? " Jack asked. Bumblebee nodded.
"Then let me be your rock for tonight," Jack offered, and for a moment Bumblebee looked at him, assessing him. After a moment, Bumblebee nodded.
"Then let me show you something I learned from a… colleague of yours from the future," Jack grinned, reaching over and ever so slowly, lecherously, ran his fingers down the main panel of Bumblebee's body, unhooking a small latch at the side so it slid open.
Inside Bumblebee's chest cavity he saw not a matrix, like he'd seen before, but a smaller spark, an Allspark, the spark of life. He paused for a moment. "Sit back or better yet, lay back, and close your eyes. Relax," he told Bumblebee, and it was a sure sign of how worn out and down the Autobot felt that he listened to the human without questioning. Gently, Jack reached inside and ran his fingers over the crystal holding Bumblebee's spark, caressing it. It didn't take long before Bumblebee started reacting.
"Jack… these readings… they're anomalous, what are you doing?" he said, slightly worried.
"Nah, its normal. You'll like this. Just let yourself feel," Jack told him, slightly concerned that nobody else had shown the small Autobot this. "Don't watch the readings, just let yourself enjoy it," he said, nudging the spark again, and again, letting the crystal slip through his finger and cupping it to keep it warm, never detaching it or moving it a lot but enough to stimulate and please Bumblebee. It took him some time, but Bumblebee's sensors started flashing, and his processors started firing faster, and he could feel the increase in the rate his fluids were moving and then the pressure built up until Bumblebee thought he would blow a gasket and everything overloaded.
Jack stifled his own moan as he saw Bumblebee's sensors flare, his crystal pulse and then the Transformer stilled. It was a good thing Bumblebee was on the ground already, Jack couldn't believe nobody had shown the Autobot this before. Actually, it was one heck of a turn on, and he reached down to undo his trousers, stroking himself with quick, harsh strokes. After all, this wasn't about him.
This one was for Bumblebee.
Bumblebee's optic sensors flashed a few seconds later indicating consciousness and Bumblebee shook his head, propping himself up on his elbow as he watched Jack stroke his own cock. Seeing he was being watched, Jack gasped and spurted over the soil in front of him, coming hard and panting until Bumblebee asked "Are humans meant to do that?" Then Jack’s panting turned to a soft laugh.
"Yeah Bumblebee, they are. Want me to show you what else humans can do?" He asked, slumping onto on a clean patch of soil next to Bumblebee and leaning against him. Bumblebee nodded.
"Yes please."