The Prayers at Nightfall (Weiß Kreuz, Ken/Aya, PG-13)

Nov 15, 2008 13:28

Title: The Prayers at Nightfall
Author: Star of Heaven
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some sexual themes
Word count: 226
Summary: Even if their prayers go unheeded, Aya and Ken know enough of gentleness to keep moving forward.
Prompt: Gentleness (gentle responses at unexpected moments) - "This is wanting something / this is praying for it / This is holding breath and keeping fingers crossed" (November 15)

The Prayers at Nightfall

Disclaimer: I don't own Weiß Kreuz.
When the world ended, Aya would be one of the first to fall. He and the rest of Weiß - every day they brushed against death, and soon death would catch up with them. They played the parts of the angels of death, and those who knew death best would suffer the worst punishments of all when Judgment Day came.

Ken was on top of Aya, with one hand on Aya's bare chest and the other hand somewhere lower. Ken smiled; a pure, gentle smile, a smile that Aya had long since forgotten how to wear. But behind that smile was a man on the verge of breaking, and Aya knew that feeling all too well. Ken knew how to be gentle in ways that Aya no longer remembered, and although it was more than just a façade, it would not last forever.

"Aya," Ken whispered, his voice seeming dulled by the darkness inside this bedroom, "don't let go. If you want something, pray with everything you've got. We're nothing but murderers, but even we can be loved. Redemption is beyond us, but even so, I love you, Aya."

Aya couldn't tell if there were tears Ken's eyes, or perhaps the tears were in his. Wherever the tears were, they began to fall, and when Aya closed his eyes, he felt Ken's lips come over his.

weiss kreuz, star_of_heaven

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