Mischief Managed [Kingdom Hearts, Roxas/Hayner, PG]

Nov 07, 2008 22:41

Title: Mischief Managed.
Author: kawaiigami
Rating: PG? (a dirty word or two)
Warnings: Teenage boys being teenage boys
Word count: 804
Summary: Hayner and Roxas are Best Friends. Oh, and Hayner should not be allowed to watch MythBusters.
Prompt: Nov. 7 -- Kingdom Hearts, Roxas/Hayner: Teenage mischief--The (Mis)Adventures of Roxas and Hayner.
Notes: a. Thanks to syvia and M (offline friend) for the beta.^^
b. Don't try this at home, kids!

As far as Hayner was concerned, Roxas was his Best Friend, capital letters and all. Oh, they had other friends, especially their main crew who were all sort of best friends. Still, even their group of seven had its divisions. There was Sora, Riku, and Kairi, who were quickly on their way to becoming known as SoraRikuandKairi. You almost never saw them apart without a Damn Good Reason. Pence and Olette had that “somewhere between platonic and romantic” thing that made them act scarily like an old married couple sometimes. That left him and Roxas as Best Friends.

They’d been that way since Olette had introduced them to each other in third grade. Hanging out at school had led to hanging out at each others’ houses. They’d discovered that the creek behind Roxas’s house made a great backdrop for G.I. Joe adventures. Further exploration of the creek proved that it passed behind a shopping center that contained, among other things, the Best Ice Cream Store Ever. Despite parental warnings that it was dangerous, they’d been using the creek as their path to the shopping center ever since, as well as their own personal hangout aside from The Lucky Seven’s Usual Spot.

Aside from G.I. Joe adventures when they were eight, the creek had seen some of the boys’ own adventures. Running into Seifer and his gang the first time they really explored downstream, having to hide under a bridge until the coast was clear. Trying to walk across one of the huge rusty pipes that crossed the creek-Hayner had slipped, and Roxas had just barely managed to keep him from falling in. The time Roxas had been suspended for turning the tables on Seifer on Freshman Beat Up Day and Hayner had skipped in a show of support. They’d ended up spending most of the day at the spot on the bank they’d claimed as “theirs.”

Above all, though, it was the path to one of their favorite places to go when they wanted to blow off homework or get away from home for a while. Which is why, on a school night, they were in the parking lot near the gas station that stood at one end of the shopping center. Each had a two-liter bottle of Diet Coke opened in front of him and a pack of mint Mentos.

Roxas cast Hayner a doubtful look from where he knelt. “You sure this’ll work?”

“Dude, MythBusters doesn’t lie.” Hayner pretended to look hurt as they opened their Mentos, letting his spill into his hand.

Roxas shook his head, laughing quietly. “Okay then, on three.” He’d taken out only half of his candy, stuffing the rest in his back pocket.

Hayner grinned. “One. Two.” He and Roxas each held their hands over the opening to their bottle. “Three!”

They began dropping the candy into the Coke. Hayner hadn’t even gotten through half of his candy before his hand was covered in the sticky foam gushing from the bottle. He scrabbled to get away from the Coke geyser, but it was too late. Not only his hand, but also part of his arm, his shirt, and his pants were soaked. Even his hair and face had been splattered a little. He stood, shoving his bangs out of his eyes, and looked over at Roxas. Roxas looked to be in about the same shape as he was-parts of the front of his shirt were stained brown, and his jeans were obviously damp in areas. Both boys looked at each other and burst out laughing so hard they had to sit down.

“That was awesome,” Hayner said after he’d finally caught his breath. He noticed something white laying on the ground and picked it up. “Damn, wasted candy.”

“It died for a good cause,” Roxas said solemnly.

Hayner nodded. There was no use in asking Roxas for any of those he’d managed to save-the only time he ever shared candy was when he got something he didn’t like during Trick-or-Treat (treating everyone to ice cream was a different story). They stood and began picking up the mess they’d made. Coke bottles and wasted Mentos thrown away, they began to walk home.

They were lucky that Hayner’s parents were at a meeting that night and Roxas’s mother was out with friends. They both had time to change and hide their stained clothes in the laundry hamper. Which meant they had at least another few days before anyone started asking questions that could lead to Trouble. Hayner might have been too old to make up a wild story to explain everything like he had when they were nine, but whatever story he told, Roxas would back him up. Because that’s what Best Friends did, and he and Roxas were Best Friends.

kingdom hearts, kawaiigami

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