Title: The Place We Belong
Author: Star of Heaven
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word count: 310
Summary: Hisoka wants a powerful shikigami, but Tsuzuki tells him it's not all about power.
Prompt: Belonging - "someone is waiting / someone who understands exactly how you feel." (June 27)
The Place We Belong
Disclaimer: I don't own Yami no Matsuei.
Hisoka didn't have a good impression of the Imaginary World. He wanted a powerful shikigami, and yet all he had found so far was a weak cactus named Riko that randomly spouted Spanish. On the other hand, Tsuzuki's shikigami were powerful, but they also had forceful personalities, which made Hisoka a bit uncomfortable.
With Riko following, Hisoka walked out onto the front steps of the castle Tenku (yet another one of Tsuzuki's shikigami), where Tsuzuki was sitting. He saw Hisoka and greeted him with a wide, goofy smile.
"How can you stand having so many shikigami?" Hisoka asked, sitting down next to Tsuzuki.
"Because I love them!" Tsuzuki answered. "They're my friends, and they're always helping me. We belong together, and that's a feeling we share in our hearts! Shikigami aren't about power; what really matters is how deep the connection is that you share with them. Isn't that right, Riko?"
"Si!" Riko replied happily. "Hisoka, I really like you! I want to help you!"
Hisoka stretched out his legs and laughed half-heartedly. He had no idea how a weak cactus could ever help him, but he supposed he could play along. "Is that so," he mumbled, leaning his head back.
Quite unexpectedly, Tsuzuki stood up and turned to face the castle's entrance. At first, Hisoka didn't understand why, but then he saw Suzaku jump into Tsuzuki's arms and warp him in a tight embrace. The smile on Tsuzuki's face was fully sincere, Hisoka noticed. He rarely saw Tsuzuki that happy, and ever since they had arrived in the Imaginary World and had become surrounded by Tsuzuki's shikigami, Tsuzuki appeared happier than Hisoka had ever seen him.
Hisoka looked down at Riko. The smiling cactus was weak, but Hisoka supposed he was kind of cute. Still, Hisoka wanted powerful shikigami like Tsuzuki's, ones he could truly say belonged with him.