Tragic [Ouran High School Host Club, Kyoya/Tamaki, PG-13]

Jun 23, 2008 17:33

Title: Tragic
Author: misura
Rating: PG-13 for implications
Warnings: None.
Summary: It's usually the children that keep estranged parents together.
A/N: Late, late, sorry, sorry.

Haruhi's arrival, as Kyoya had expected, proved to be Tamaki's cue to temporarily forget his solemn oath to remove his presence from the rest of the human race forevermore - he rushed at her sobbing (no surprise there either, although Kyoya found it interesting to see Haruhi looking thoughtful for a moment and then not step out of the way, as had been Kyoya's third expectation).

"Uhm," said Haruhi. "Did something happen between you and Kyoya?"

In some senses, Kyoya supposed it was a reasonable question; he and Tamaki were the only ones here. All the same, coming from Haruhi, the question betrayed a certain ... lack of discretion on either his or Tamaki's part. Haruhi tended not to notice the obvious where Tamaki was involved, and Tamaki's involvement with Kyoya had been anything but obvious.

"Haruhi, Haruhi!" Tamaki buried his face against her shoulder. It was, Kyoya reflected, a good thing Haruhi hadn't yet changed into her costume for today.

Ignoring the half-puzzled, half-pleading glance Haruhi sent in his direction, Kyoya poured himself another cup of tea and sat down to wait for Tamaki to spill the beans. Haruhi was no real threat, Kyoya judged; she had her debt to consider. The twins might have been harder to silence - not impossible, but requiring more work than Kyoya felt like bothering with at the moment.

"Mommy and Daddy are going to have a divorce!" Tamaki wailed.

Kyoya choked on his tea. Haruhi looked at him with mild concern.

"I didn't know you guys were dating," she said.

" 'Dating' would hardly be the word I'd use," said Kyoya, recovering quickly.

"Oh," said Haruhi. "So why are you breaking up now?"

"Because Mommy wants another daughter just as cute and adorable as Haruhi, and Daddy can't give her one!" Tamaki wrung his hands. "And now Mommy wants to take Haruhi away from Daddy, but Daddy will never let anyone lay a finger on his darling faughter because he knows she loves him far better than Mommy!"

"Uhm," said Haruhi.

"For all I care, you can have Haruhi," said Kyoya.

"What mother would treat her daughter so coldly?" Tamaki asked, clutching his chest. "Ah! Your coldness is like a dagger in our beloved daughter's heart. Say no more - I cannot bear to see such pain on her face. Come, Haruhi, let Daddy offer you the comfort of his strong shoulders."

"No thanks," said Haruhi.

"Tea?" Kyoya offered, deciding that the safest course of action would be to ignore Tamaki for a while; the dramatic gestures had all been made, so likely, Tamaki would mope a bit more and then forget about the whole thing, at least for the time being.

Haruhi poured herself a cup and sat down.

Tamaki looked at the two of them soulfully and sniffled.

Kyoya closed his eyes, leaned back and thought of ways to turn this whole debacle into something profitable.

misura, ouran high school host club

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