Title: Match Made in Hell
Author: Scrolls
Rating: PG
Warnings: Plotting Gods
Pairings: Hades/Persephone
Word count: 794
Summary: Life was hard when your Mother was just as Immortal as you were.
Disclaimer: Don’t own, just like to play with from time to time.
Prompt: Crossover: Kingdom Hearts/Greek Mythology, Hades/Persephone: Marital vows - "Hey, hey! Unlike my glorious brother, Zeus, I've been nothing less than 110% faithful to my wife and queen!"
After thirteen centuries Demeter it seemed, had finally started accepting that Persephone was actually happy where she was. At least, that’s what all those dropped hints about grandchildren appeared to indicate.
In the end she’d been forced to return early-with the thankfully real excuse of helping Hades clean up. She loved her mother, she really did, but the grandkid comments had gotten old fast.
Slipping off the Nightmare’s back, Persephone glanced around the courtyard, taking in the various imps that were arriving to take her things, at the various fires that were laid throughout the castle to help the residents to tell time-which were, at the moment, a rather misty blue meaning that Hades was asleep and that it was ‘night time’.
“Don’t announce me, just take my things to the Garden Room, I’ll stay there tonight and greet him tomorrow.” Giving her mount one last pat, she walked off. The Garden Room was her little sanctuary, a small gazebo Hades had had created for her on their first-century anniversary. The only ones allowed in-besides herself and occasionally Hades-were the nymphs that acted as her handmaidens while she was here.
Arriving in her rooms she quickly settled to the task of preparing for sleep and finally curled up in her bed.
Morning, and the changing of the fires from misty blue to dancing gold signaled that the Underworld’s Lord and Master was up and as such it was day time. Breakfast was simple, fruits, bread and cheese, with a touch of wine. Choosing her gown she sat while Rowan-the only one who had any skill with hair-buried her hands in Persephone locks and began to talk about all those things that had happened while she was away.
For the most part she barely listened to the talk, only adding a verbal response as needed to show she was paying attention-
“And he kept them right here in the Castle! I managed to get a good look at them though, one had the most gorgeous bronze skin, and the other was wearing the most adorable apron. Not only that but he had them confined to the other end of the castle, kept to a specific set of rooms, didn’t even go into see them himself either, even had surface food brought in for them to eat!”
Now her attention was caught. After hearing about Zeus, many were surprised to learn that Hades was the exact opposite when it came to his liaisons. He had always waited a proper amount of time between each, and made sure that there would be no one showing up on his doorstep nine months later.
In fact it was such behavior that she had married him in the first place.
Well, as her husband would say, best to go to the source of this rumor.
Walking out of the gazebo, she pointed at the nearest imp and asked where her husband was.
Persephone had been announced, Hades had practically caroled, hugs had been exchanged, tales of what each had dome the last six months were told, and now they walked, discussing the renovations as they went. And just as she was about to ask, Hades beat her to the punch.
“Oh, and before the rumor mill takes things out of proportion, yes I had two maids kept locked up in the castle, had topside food brought in for them, and didn’t go into the rooms an inch. Mel asked me to keep them a bit while she was getting proper quarters made up for them at her place, you remember Mel right?”
Oh yes, she remembered that Witch, how could she not? Maleficent was one of the few women she envied, while the Dark flowed through her veins it didn’t control her, force her to split herself between her very nature and her heart, between the man she loved and her overbearing, overprotective mother-
Giving herself a mental shake, she sent her mind on to thoughts of how to ward off those same rumors, while leaning back into the only person who had ever given her any rights, responsibility, and some damn respect.
And her mother wondered why she loved this god.
Giggling at the things Hades was whispering into her ear, she let the small evil smile that she had learned not to let her family see to often-after the first time where several had taken off for the hills, sent many diving behind the nearest marble whatever, Zeus inching towards Hera, and a slightly drunk Ares toasting them the ‘Match Made in Hell’ before chugging back the rest of his drink in one go. Even here, the nearby imps who saw her face went diving for the nearest bit of cover.
Ah it was good to be home.