Title: Squeaky Wheel
Author: Scrolls
Rating: G
Warnings: None Really
Pairings: None Really
Word count: 535
Summary: The Squeaky Wheel gets the grease
Disclaimer: Don’t own, just like to play with from time to time.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Zack/???: Unusual pranks - "And why is there a Tomberry in my room/tent?!"
All SOLDIERs that were off duty between 700 and 1000 today are to assemble in the meeting hall at 1530.
FROM: Lazard, Director of SOLDIER
Zack slipped into the meeting hall with two minutes to spare. Word ‘round the cafeteria, Hojo was pissed and was looking for a culprit.
Zack settled into a corner chair, he’d prefer to sit closer to the back, but as Angeal’s student, he had quickly learned to sit up front.
Lazard’s entrance, followed by Hojo, Sephiroth, Angeal, and Genesis quickly silenced the room. Hojo didn’t even wait, going straight to the front, standing where everyone could see him.
“I know one of you did it, you are the only ones who had the free time, the strength, and the access to my floor. So I’m only going to ask this once, and I want a confession. Why is there a Tomberry in my room? And whose idea was it?”
Zack was suddenly very glad for the pain in his ribs, it kept him from laughing.
If it wasn’t the rest of the SOLDIERs, who were split evenly between expressions of WTF? or suppressed laughter. It was Lazard, who’s eyebrow had twitched, Genesis who couldn’t seem to decide how he felt not being able to quote a single line from Loveless, Sephiroth, who by the look on his face was holding back laughter by shear force of will, or Angeal, who’s out-the-corner-of-his-eye look said plainly he knew what Zack had done…and approved.
While to Hojo’s ears the room was silent, Zack could easily hear the barely-controlled snickers as the other SOLDIERs realized what was going on.
“Fine, we will see how long your silence lasts. Sephiroth-”
“What! How d-”
“A normal Tomberry, or even a Tomberry King I would consider, but I refuse to tangle with a Holy Tomberry that has built a nest and laid eggs. You want it gone, do it yourself.” And with that the silver haired man left, most likely to find someplace where he could laugh without stares.
Angeal and Genesis were hard on his heals, and when it looked like the scientist would pass the order on to someone else in the room, Lazard stepped forward, providing a distraction while the rest of the SOLDIERs escaped.
Zack followed, being careful not to let his sides brush anything or anyone, he needed to get back to his room, where he could get the laughter out of his system and not have anyone wondering what was wrong with him when he started reacting to the pain.
Watching Zack walk away, Angeal smiled, he knew what the look in the boy’s eye had meant.
Sephiroth and Angeal practically materialized beside him giving him identical ‘We know you know who did it-so spill already!’ looks. Smiling Angeal just shook his head.
“Yes I know, no I’m not telling, find your own, I called him first.”
And with that he left, he’d need to swing back to his quarters on his way to Zack’s from the way he had been walking, the young SOLDIER was going to need that master level Cura he had.
Though he had to wonder, how did that boy do it?