Longing ( Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa, R)

Jun 15, 2008 21:40

Title: Longing
Author/Artist: queenoftheskies
Rating: R
Warnings: masturbation, implied sex
Word count: 800
Prompt: - Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Tifa: Masturbation: "I'm not touched but I'm aching to be"
A/N: This prompt was due June 12. Sorry I'm late. I started a new job and got behind.

"I'm not touched, but I'm aching to be. Not loved, but I'm longing to be."

Tifa let the bathrobe slip from her shoulders and drop to her bedroom floor. A soft breeze stirred the curtains at her open window. The day had been hot, so she'd left it open and now, she thought she smelled the touch of rain on the wind.

Still, the room remained warm, too warm for sleep. Tifa bounced into the center of her bed and sat cross-legged, scrubbing at the sweat that had pooled between her breasts and stained the spaghetti-strapped tee shirt she wore to bed.

She could hear him, in the room next door, thudding across the chamber, pacing maybe, while she was in her room alone. So near, yet so far, how could they keep missing each other when they seemed so right for each other?

With a sigh, she flopped backwards and allowed her arms to dangle off either side of the bed. The wind captured the dampness on her shirt, cooled her until she shivered with pleasure.

I don't need him. But, she did.

Sliding her hands beneath her thin top, she fondled her breasts, squeezed them, pinched at her nipples until they tingled and a flush of pleasure spread through her body. Cloud. It could be him, should be him, touching her, feeling her, loving her.


He'd had enough--more than enough--watching men drool over Tifa, paw at her, fight over her attention while he was too much of a coward to tell her how he felt about her.

Stupid, Strife. Stupid.

Dropping his belt onto the floor, he stripped out of his shirt and pants, threw them in the corner in disgust. He'd fought more monsters than he could count, destroyed Bahamut Sin, and defeated Sephiroth. Why the hell couldn't he tell a girl he'd known forever that he loved her?

It was too hot to sleep, so he opened the window and allowed a breath of wind to enter the stuffy room. With a groan, he retreated to the bed and fell across it, legs dangling off one side, his head dangling off the other. He didn't feel like sleeping, didn't feel like anything other than...

His cock twitched at the thought of Tifa, her long limbs, her big breasts. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to feel her beneath them, to stroke her soft skin, taste her lips. Tomorrow, he'd tell her how he felt, but tonight...he still had to make it through tonight.

Closing his eyes, he ran his fingertips down the length of his penis, wishing it was Tifa touching him, wishing he could feel her lips on his tip. He stroked until he trembled, until he longed for release, but it wasn't the same alone, wasn't the same if he did it for himself.


It would be so easy to tell him, to get it out of her system, to be rejected and get on with her life. All she had to do was say that she loved him and he'd leave again. She could grieve and recover and find someone who returned her feelings.

Tifa inserted two slender fingers inside herself, probed and explored, wondering what it would be like to have Cloud inside her.

Forget him. He doesn't love you.

She plunged deeper, harder, until her fingers were hot and wet and sparks of pleasure filled her groin. It was easy to find the center of her pleasure, stroke it gently until her body tensed in anticipation. But, it wasn't the same alone, wasn't the same if she did it for herself.

Wiping her fingers on the covers, she rolled off the bed and stomped to the door. It was now, or never. She couldn't live this way forever.

She flinched when the door banged against the wall, hoped she hadn't awakened the children.

He was there, his hand raised to knock.


"Tifa?" He looked as startled as she felt. "I just wanted to tell you, wanted to...wanted..." He looked down at the erection peeking from his boxers, pressed it down with a flush.

That's all she needed, all the opening he had to give. Grabbing him by the arm, she tugged him into the room and closed the door behind him.

They grappled, they tumbled, lips locked, hands groping, onto the center of her bed. She stroked him, he explored her, together they tasted until they tensed and trembled and collapsed in release.

"I'm sorry," he whispered against her throat.

"Me, too," she sighed against his hair.

"I just wanted to tell you, needed to tell you, I love you." He looked up into her eyes.

"Shut up and fuck me," she said. "I've been doing this alone far too long."

final fantasy vii, queenoftheskies

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