Title: All I Want
reversedhymnalRating: NC-17
Warnings: boysex?! they're still in school, but you can always pretend like they aren't, if it makes you feel better, :D
Prompt: Princess Tutu, Fakir/Mytho: Comfort!sex - 'It's me holding you.'
Notes: For the most part, I'm really pleased with this piece, ♥ Learning new things in Life Drawing and Anatomy that I got to play around with for Mytho and it was fun! *DORK*
eta: okay everything up there is what i put up when i FIRST tried to do this post. hopefully now this time it will not get taken down for mature content lol. but that means that you guys have to do a link thing sorry, :| forgive me?
Sometimes Fakir isn't sure who he's really comforting. ♥!