Title: Crown Me
Author: Scrolls
Rating: G
Warnings: None Really
Pairings: None
Word count: 148
Summary: It’s always the quiet ones…
Disclaimer: Don’t own, just like to play with from time to time.
Prompt: Lord of the Rings, Eowyn: Bragging among the boys - "70 orcs, 49 men, a oliphant, and the King of the Nazgul."
“I’ll raise you 45 Orcs at Helm’s Deep!”
“Try 65 Orcs at Helm’s Deep.”
“Is something amusing you Aragon?”
“Oh nothing, just the 78 Orcs that met my blade there are well.”
“Oh? Then what of the Battle at Minas Tirith?”
“About 89, give or take a few, as well 78 men and an Oliphant.”
“Try 76 Orcs, 102 men and an Oliphant.”
“82 Orcs, 69 men, and 3 Oliphants.” Legolas stated, sipping his ale.
Before Gimly could say anything to that, a small cough brought their attention to Eowyn, who stood just outside their circle holding a crushed-yet very familiar black helm.
"70 orcs, 49 men, a oliphant, and the King of the Nazgul."
The trio discovered that their little corner of the room was understandably quiet as Eowyn walked off, the crown of the Nazgul tucked under one arm.
“Now why couldn’t she be a Dwarf?”