Title: Martyr
misuraRating: PG for Akito
Warnings: I'm only at volume 14 or so.
Summary: Akito desires.
A/N: A drabble. (One day late.)
He wants -
- to lock her away in a dark, small room, where nobody's allowed to enter or see her or even talk to her; he'll keep her there until she's been reduced to nothing, just another broken toy in his collection
- to see her cower in front of him, wince at his slightest word of unkindness, hunger for his approval like a starved dog hungering for a scrap of food (Shigure, at least, knows his place, to some extent and as long as he's reminded of it ever so gently once in a while).
- to hurt her, cause her a pain unequal to his own (nobody could suffer as much as he does) but as close as she can come, being nothing more than an ugly human girl, beneath his attention.
(In the dark, whispering her name like a lover's, Akito contemplates the many things he wants to inflict upon Tohru Honda, the notion that she might suffer most of all if she were to witness his own suffering and know herself helpless to do anything about it, buried deeply in the back of mind, to be hidden and forgotten, like the Cat should have been.)