"Quiet" (Transformers Armada, Hot Shot/Sideswipe, R)

Feb 18, 2008 11:12

Title: "Quiet"
Author/Artist: manga_queen
Rating: R
Warnings: Sex
Word count: 524
Prompt:Transformers: Armada, Hot Shot/Sideswipe: fucked into silence/incoherency - "You talk too much."


Hot Shot didn't really mind listening to Sideswipe babble on; well, most of the time it didn't get to him. Right then, though, he really wished Sideswipe would stop. It was bad enough that he found himself becoming attracted to the other. Sideswipe's chatter, Hot Shot found, just made things worse. Unfortunately for him, he had been ordered to sit the current mission out with the other.

"--and then you should have seen the look on the Decepticon's face," Sideswipe continued. He laughed until he realized Hot Shot wasn't even listening to him. "Hot Shot? You're not listening. Did I do something wrong? Normally you at least listen to what I'm saying."

Hot Shot looked surprised for a moment. "Sorry," he muttered. "I was thinking. What were you saying, Sideswipe?" He hated to prompt the other at this point because he really didn't need to be thinking about his feelings for the other, but he hated to see Sideswipe upset.

"Doesn't matter." Sideswipe sighed. "When are the others going to get back?" His voice had become more of a whine at that point. "They've been gone all day a--mmph!" His optics widened as he realized his friend was kissing him. He wasn't going to complain or anything, but it had definitely managed to surprise him.

Hot Shot pulled out of the kiss, but made sure he didn't move too far away. "You talk to much," he muttered before kissing the other again. He let his hands roam Sideswipe's body as he sat on the other's lap. He deepened the kiss, pushing his glossa into Sideswipe's mouth, practically devouring the other's lips hungrily. He was a bit surprised when Sideswipe began exploring his body, but enjoyed it.

Sideswipe's body arched up, out of the chair, practically mewling in pleasure as Hot Shot found a very sensitive joint and started stroking it. He threw his head back, breaking the kiss. He was a bit surprised, with how violently his body bucked, that Hot Shot had managed to stay in his lap. He was whimpering when the other Autobot began biting and licking at his neck. "H-Hot Shot!" he cried out, clutching at his friend's--no--lover's shoulders.

Hot Shot smirked as he continued his ministrations; he ignored the incessant beeping on the computer. He wasn't going to answer the comm until Sideswipe had overloaded. He watched as the other came closer and closer to climax. Finally, he tweaked a small, visible wire. A very sensitive wire, apparently, because that was all it took. He watched as overload wracked the other's body; once it had subsided, he pulled away, going back to his station.

Sideswipe tried to say something, tried to think, but couldn't. It was completely silent, except for Hot Shot speaking; even with the quiet, he couldn't even really register what Hot Shot was saying over the comm to their leader. He caught his name and something about some sort of problem, but that was it. The next thing he actually registered was being dragged to a room; he didn't even know who's room it was. He did know, however, that he and Hot Shot weren't done.

manga_queen, transformers

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