One Touch (Persona 3, Kazushi/Minato, PG)

Feb 18, 2008 13:05

Title: One Touch
Author: Star of Heaven
Rating: PG
Warnings: mild sexual innuendo
Word count: 275
Summary: Minato massages Kazushi's back.
Prompt: Massage (erotic or not) - "Does this help?" (February 19)
Notes: Posted a day early because I got it mixed up with another claim.

One Touch

Disclaimer: I don't own Persona 3.
This wasn't anything strange. It certainly looked strange, with a shirtless Kazushi lying facedown on one of the wooden benches in the locker room and Minato leaning over him. Minato had his hands on Kazushi's back, and though he had been with the kendo team several months now, they were hardly calloused. It would look strange to an outsider, seeing Minato massaging Kazushi's back. But it wasn't strange at all.

"Does this help, Kazushi-san?" Minato asked, gently moving his hands up and down on Kazushi's back with only a small amount of pressure.

"Y-Yes," Kazushi answered, almost too distracted by the warm hands on his back. "But you don't have to be so formal. You can call me Kaz like everyone else does."

"Hmm," was Minato's only reply. His hands came up to Kazushi's shoulders and he spread out his fingers, the tips of which lightly brushed against the sides of Kazushi's neck. The splinters of the bench were uncomfortable against his bare chest, but the feeling of Minato's hands on his back was more than enough to make up for that.

"Hey Minato," Kazushi began, "I'd like to have a kendo match with you. What do you say?"

"Hmm." Minato's hands stopped, and Kazushi felt Minato's body come over his. Minato's chest crushed against Kazushi's back, and although Minato was still fully clothed, Kazushi's heart began beating as quickly as if he really could feel Minato's bare skin against his.

Minato slipped his arms underneath Kazushi's throat and a gentle hand began stroking Kazushi's cheek. "Yes, that would be nice, Kazushi-san," Minato whispered, his lips near Kazushi's ear.

Kazushi smiled. "Thanks," he said.

star_of_heaven, persona 3

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