Title: No More Waiting
Author: Ladyofshadow
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: nudity, prelude to something more
Word count: 100
Prompt: Petshop of Horrors, Count D/Leon: Predator/prey - It was time to make him mine.
Author's Note: My first Petshop of Horrors drabble. ^__^
“Are you enjoying your tea?”
Leon paused before he took another sip. He stared at the Count and suspiciously sniffed his drink.
D chuckled. “You are ever the detective.”
Leon set the tea aside and startled when tendrils from the plant beside him snaked around his wrist and ankles, binding him to the chair.
“Calm yourself.” D knelt in front of him. He deftly unzipped Leon’s jeans and traced a nail along the shaft. The muscle hardened at his touch. “You shall be the favorite in my collection.”
“Hush, my pet. Allow my lips to do the talking.”