In the Rough [Final Fantasy VII, Cid/Shera, R - NC17]

Feb 12, 2008 05:48

Title: In the Rough
Author: jlsigman
Rating: hard R to NC-17
Warnings: language, sex
Word count: 966
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Cid/Shera: stubble, a tactile fetish - "rough kisses, rough words, rough hands"

Rough words
Shera heard him before she ever saw him, as he blistered the air with his words. He was cursing someone loudly over a mistake they had made. It was so completely different from the academia she had transferred in from that she stopped in shock. Her guide stammered an apology, saying something about how Captain Cid was rough, but the best pilot and airship designer in the company and she should have no problems. And she might not have, except that a few minutes later when she was head-down in a report and following her guide, she literally ran into the man.

“Watch where you’re going, damnit!” he snarled as she tried to catch her breath. He wasn’t that much older than she was, with bright blue eyes she couldn’t look away from. They narrowed as the guide spluttered apologies and tried to get all of Shera’s credentials out of his mouth as an introduction. “Damnit, this is all they can send? One wet behind the ears kid?”

She pulled herself up very straight as the guide squawked like a chocobo and tried to rush through the litany of excuses he had undoubtedly been programmed with at Shinra headquarters. “Ask me a technical question, sir,” she said quietly, which somehow cut across the noise.

He looked at her sharply. “Fine,” he barked, thrusting some papers under her nose. “Why don’t these damn engines work?”

She scanned the documents carefully. She took a moment to collect her thoughts. “What width of dynamic space is between them?” she asked, looking at him again. “It seems to be an issue with the energy flow.”

So fast she thought she might have imagined it, a grin appeared and then disappeared again. “Hell if I know,” he said, turning back towards the rocket. “Come look at them yourself and fix the damn things.”

“Yes, sir,” she murmured, following him.

Rough kisses
She never heard from him after he jumped on the Tiny Bronco and flew off towards who-knew-where, so it was quite a surprise when he and the rest of the rowdy group of anti-Shinra rebels showed back up in Rocket Town. The fact that the came just as Shinra was trying to get the rocket to take out Meteor was almost too much of a coincidence to be believed. Still, she had work to do, so she didn’t go out of her way to try and find him. The fact that she was checking the escape pod when launch happened was just another one of those odd coincidences.

He was uncharacteristically silent as the Highwind picked the escape pod out of the ocean. She expected him to stay closeted with his new friends afterwards, to work out how to survive the nightmare hanging in the sky. When they dropped her off in Rocket Town, he escorted her to their house, and tried to say something a couple of times. He finally gave up, shrugged, and said; “Stay safe, alright?” before walking away.

“Yes, sir,” she murmured before going inside.

Days later, rumors flew of Midgar being attacked and Rufus Shinra being killed by something monstrous. Meteor loomed just above the eastern horizon as it aimed for the planet, and the town was shrouded in a darkness made worse because the stars were obscured. Shera had no idea what time it really was, since the power had gone out some time before, when a clattering at the door ended with it swinging open to reveal Cid standing there.

He looked tired and unsure. She put a pot of water on the wood stove and soon there was tea, which they drank in a silence that wasn’t as heavy as it had been before. He lit a cigarette, slumped back in his chair, and told her what had happened since he’d left.

When he was done, she only had one question. “When do you have to go?”

“In the -“ He looked around, seeming to notice the dark for the first time. “What the hell happened to the lights? In the morning.”

In the morning she handed him a thermos of tea. He took it with a muttered, “Thank you.” He set it on the table, and then made a couple of efforts to talk, which came out as hesitant strangled sounds. Finally he gave an irritated sigh, said, “Ah, the hell with it,” grabbed her and kissed her.

His lips were rough and his tongue was insistent. She kissed him back as hard as she could, reaching up to hold onto his short, rough-cut hair. They broke apart for air and held onto each other for a moment longer. Then he was gone.

Rough hands
His hands were rough, with sharp calloused edges on his fingers. When one of those dragged across her nipple she gasped and pushed her breast into his hand so it would happen again. His lips were on her neck, and his stubble was scratching the sensitive skin there. She ran her hands down his back, feeling leathery skin and scars both old and new. He slid his other palm down her side, then back to feel the curve of her ass as she lifted her leg over his hip. His fingers found her soft and wet, and he teased her until she thought that he needed to stop teasing her, damnit!

A low chuckle made her realize she had actually said the words aloud, but she didn’t care. He pushed her onto her back, she pulled him on top of her, and they roughly claimed each other for the first time. Who was rougher in the end was hard to tell, they both went to work the next morning bearing the marks of the other.

Life was rough, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

final fantasy vii, jlsigman

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