Title: Missing Pieces
Author: eerian_sadow
Rating: G
Warnings: none
Word Count: 215
Prompt: Earthbound, Ness/Paula/Jeff: futurefic, comfort - "I guess we never really moved on."
A/N: this is not even what I had in mind. But its what came out of the pen. I think I missed the mark a little…
Plus, I hate it.
“Poo didn’t show up.”
Jeff and Paula shook their heads at Ness’ statement.
“I always thought this meant more to him,” the brunette said.
“But he has so may other responsibilities,” Paula told him gently. “He hasn’t had any choice but to move away from us.”
To move on. The words hung unspoken in the air.
“I don’t think it was ever about him anyway,” Jeff added. “The whole adventure was something he had to do because it was his duty to his people. He wasn’t doing it because it was right.”
“I don’t want to talk about Poo anymore,” Paula said suddenly. “It makes it so much harder to cope.”
Ness nodded. “Nothing’s right anymore. We were something before. Now we’re…”
“Mundane,” Jeff supplied.
“Too normal.”
The scientist pushed his glasses further up his nose. “But that’s what we have to be now. The war is over.”
“I don’t want it to be over!”
Jeff and Paula both wrapped comforting arms around Ness.
“I know,” the girl whispered.
They stood next to the crater outside Onette, arms wrapped each other and trying desperately to find comfort in the embrace.
All they found was a void that had once been filled with purpose. Even after ten years, they hadn’t found a way to move on.