fic: Prodigal [Weiss Kreuz, Nagi/Yohji, PG-13]

Feb 01, 2008 17:15

Title: Prodigal
Author: misura
Rating: PG-13 for implications
Warnings: None, really, unless the notion of Crawford handing out relationship-advice bothers you.
Summary: Yohji never stood a chance, really.
A/N: A shortie.

There were, Nagi quickly discovered, ways around everything. True, Yohji was taller - but with a bit of levitation, that was easily remedied. Sure, Yohji's physical strength might be greater than Nagi's (PE always was the one class he never aced, although Crawford had given him official parental permission to cheat when he had to, and whenever they played games that involved balls, Nagi tended to be among the first to be picked for a team; it was well known he brought good luck) - only with his telekinesis, Nagi could pretty much overpower anyone anytime he wanted. Naturally, being older and more social outgoing, Yohji had more experience (and having Schuldich practically throwing himself at him to offer advice and tips in exchange for juicy details didn't help) - yet it only took a slightly awkward conversation with Crawford to discover a way to compensate for that, too.

"You want us to try what?" Yohji asked, looking more than a little bewildered, like a drunken dirty old man who'd thought he was putting the moves on a cute high-school girl only to discover that the body he'd been drooling over two seconds ago was (1) male and (2) in the possession of someone who did not take kindly to being drooled over and tended to react to being propositioned in ways that involved modified amounts of violence and splattering other people on walls (assuming, of course, that Farfarello, Schuldich or Crawford didn't get to him first, in which cases the man in question would be, respectively, gutted, reduced to abject senility or mercifully shot).

"I think there were some drawings and instructions, too, for people who were - " a moment's pause, to make sure the next word would sink in properly " - novices."

Yohji made a sound like he was choking, while Nagi allowed himself a small smile.

"Would you like me to download them for you, Kudoh-kun?"

("If all else fails," Crawford had told him, "bluff. Before you do though, try the Internet.")

weiss kreuz, misura

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