Title: Each, a Touch of Heaven Taken from Me
Author/Artist: i_am_zan
Rating: G
Warnings: Implied twincest
Word Count: 345
Prompt: Saiyuki, Gonou/Kanan: Incest - "Remembrance. Lanterns and fireflies."
A/N: I do apologise how this came out. I also apologise for tardiness. and not reading incandescens till after I post this!!! @_@
""When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?" - First Witch, Macbeth, (Act1,Sci), Shakespeare.
Each, a Touch of Heaven Taken from Me by Zan
Every night a death
Everyday a birth
... And in between the fireflies dance upon the river -
Hakkai imagined all those glowing embers to be fireflies, stilled except for the flickering. The remnants of piles of paper money, wick burnt to their ends in hardening red pools of melted wax and joss stuck in plant pots where there was no earth. It was the last night of the Seventh Month. The Gates of Hell closed to deny both exit and entrance.
"I don't know if you remember me," little boy Gonou thought,"but I remember you." He said to a memory in his head.
The first felt like the warmth of the sun lost to winter. The sunshine of smiles lost in a flurry of snow and masked in the melt hardened to ice.
"It is just us." Gonou kissed Kanan, hungry for all the years lost betweeen them.
No one understood them, and anything that was wrong bewteen them fell away to nothing. With shy smiles and tentative touches, that warmth renewed with fever. Love without the temperance of gradual growth. love with clutching fingers panicked at the thought of no tomorrow.
"Goodbye Gonou," as she ignored his pleading, his need and freed herself.
Is there anything like the loss of a child? Be it now then or ever?
It was not a thousand. A demon smiled and looked up at the sky, heavy with cloud but not a sign of rain. It was one thousand and one, one thousand and two and one thousand and three ...
Hakkai sighed. The wisps of smoke curled and struggled but could not even touch the hem of heaven and sank to the ground with the ashes. Today was the first day of the Eighth Month. In fifteen days there will be lanterns and mooncakes.
"That," he thought,"will be nice."
Foot note:
The Seventh Month is when the Chinese honour and appease those long gone from their side. Also called Ghost Month. This is followed by celebration later in the middle of the eighth month ... Mid autumn festival, or Harvest Moon festival, also called the moon cake festival occurs on the 15th day of the 8th
month according to the Chinese (Lunar?) Calendar.