Doctor Who (Ten/Jack)

Oct 20, 2007 02:14

Title: Distracted
Author: puella_nerdii
Rating: R
Wordcount: 807
Warnings: Technobabble. Implied m/m sex.
Prompt: sex of any variety that leads to/results in the explosion of a solar system(s) - "Did the Earths move for you too?
A/N: Takes place -- really, I don't know when this takes place, but it could happen at some point. That's the beauty of a show with time travel. No spoilers.



“Where did you learn to do-”

“Which part?”

“There was that sort of-trick you had, with your tongue.”

“You just sort of pick these things up in the twenty-fifth century.”

“Lovely place, the twenty-fifth century.”

“You’ve been there, I guess?”

“Oh, I’ve been everywhere. I remember the funny little yellow hats they put in the drinks.”

“Temperature-regulating devices. We like it when our beer stays cold.”

“Yes, but what I couldn’t gather was why they used autosensory feedback loops in the main cooling circuits. You lot should have invented the molecular-state stabilizer by the twenty-fifth century-oh.”

“What is it, Doctor?”

“…I believe I’ve lost my train of thought.”

“Go on.”

“The molecular state, ah, state-Jack, that’s very-stabilizer! Yes. Stabilizer. It’s far more-that is to say, it’s got a far better rate of efficiency and the circuitry ought to be more-what in the twelve moons of Perganon was that?”

“Another trick.”

“Twenty-fifth century?”

“Thirtieth, actually.”

“Ah, that explains-ah.”

“Relax. It’s even better when you relax.”

“I’m-you know, I’m rather inclined to, ah, agree with you on that one.”

“Shh. Let’s talk a little less.”

“It seems as though we can talk perfectly well as it is-oh. Oh. Yes, that would explain that-oh. Jack…hold on. Jack!”


“No, just, if you’d stop-no, don’t stop-but really, you have to stop for a second-oh, that’s just not fair. Wait! No! Definitely stop!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh no…”

“Was it something I-”

“No, no, that was quite all right. Quite better than all right. It’s the dials. Look at the gamma radiation detector.”

“What? It shouldn’t be fluctuating that quickly.”

“And the readings shouldn’t be so extreme. Have you got my glasses.”

“Here you go. I thought we told the TARDIS’s engines to recalibrate the worst of the solar flares.”

“We did-ah! One of the circuits reversed flow. See, here’s the warning light; it’s been flickering on and off all this time. I can’t believe I missed it.”

“You were…distracted.”

“No, but I think I did see a light going off somewhere, only I thought it was-well, I thought it was a side effect.”

“It happens. How do we fix this?”

“I’m not sure, let me-where’s the screwdriver?”

“It’s in your jacket’s breast pocket. Here, catch. Do you want your pants, too?”

“Leave the pants be. I’ve got to see if I can reverse the polarity of the neutron flow-ouch!”


“My hand. It’s singed. The energy’s got a bit of bite to it.”


“It might be, which would explain the erratic signal coming from the sixth loop…damn! Containment mass reaching critical! At this rate, we’ll all be two-legged crisps.”

“We have to jettison it all, then.”

“No, there has to be another way, I just haven’t seen it yet. Hand me that, will you?”

“The visuals don’t look good, Doctor. The solar activity’s going insane; look at the radius on these flares.”

“That’s not good. That’s very much not good. Oh no.”


“The wave pattern. Look at the wave pattern.”

“But it looks like it’s going to go nova any second now.”

“Looks like it, yeah.”

“That can’t-we’ve been monitoring this sun. We’d have seen earlier markers. We’d have to.”

“Oh-h, I think we did. Ha! There it is. Spike in core temperature, just about-here.”

“Why didn’t we see that?”

“Well I don’t know about you, but I was a bit-”


“Distracted! Fine! In the future, let’s not do this near any solar systems in imminent danger of destruction!”

“But that takes all the fun out of it.”

“We’ve got to get out of here. Now. In seconds the black-frequency radiation’s going to eat through the TARDIS’s hull.”


“Set the coordinates! I’ll get the engines going…NOW!”

“Well, we made it.”

“We made it.”

“…there’s just one thing I have to ask, though.”

“What’s that?”

“Did the Earths move for you, too?”

“You are incorrigible.”

“You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

“No, I suppose not.”

“Now then. Where were we?”

“Check the monitors first this time, will you?”

“No suns going nova. No black holes. No lethal background radiation. No insidious telepathic signals. Am I missing anything?”

“Most likely. Let me have a look.”


“For now, we’ll manage.”

“Right. As I said before: where were we?”

“Is that all you ever think about?”

“Pretty much. I didn’t hear you complaining. I did hear you-”

“That’s enough of that. Yellow hats. We were talking about yellow hats.”

“And then we moved on to something more like this.”

“…right. Like that.”

“Come on. Nothing’s going to blow up this time. Scout’s honor.”

“If you’re certain.”

“As certain as anyone can ever be.”

“A bit of danger, then.”

“You wouldn’t have it any other way.”

puella_nerdii, doctor who

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