Title: Doctor, Doctor
Author: belladonna12
Rating: Pg13
Word count: 319
Summary: Playing doctor’s fun, especially once the hard work’s over…
A/N: Yet another ficverse one. More Hotaru, Seph, and Hematite interaction. Some medical terms from a disease and such, though you’ll have to read for more info. Extreme bending of the prompt here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the ideas for FFVII or Sailor Moon, nor am I making any money off of this.
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII/Sailor Moon, Sephiroth/Sailor Saturn: Nakedness - “Hojo and his scientists had seen him without his clothes; Hotaru was the only one who ever saw him naked.”
Doctor, Doctor
“Familial Dysautonomia(1)? I though that was genetic?” Hotaru sighed, clearly exasperated. Sephiroth was used to that. It still didn’t explain how Hematite had a genetic defect like that.
“It is. He got it from me, most likely. The average defect requires that both parents have the gene, but it seems to pass to each Saturn(2), a reminder that all power has its price.” She ruffled Hematite’s hair, laughing as the tiny three year old pushed it back in place with a mini glare. Sephiroth picked his son up, dodging waved fists with ease.
“How bad is it?”
“Compared to mine, extremely mild. Hematite’s symptoms are just the absence of overflow tears and a very, VERY decreased reaction to pain and temperature.” At Sephiroth’s raised eyebrow, Hotaru shrugged. “He might notice being stabbed in a particularly dense nerve cluster, but more at the level most children notice a pinch.”
Sephiroth put Hematite down in the playpen Hotaru had dragged down to her infirmary, detaching small hands from his halter. Hematite promptly proceeded to latch onto his stuffed bear for a mauling that the battered toy withstood as it had countless times before. This lasted all of five minutes before Hematite closed his eyes, stuck his thumb in his mouth, and drifted off to sleep. Sephiroth turned back to Hotaru.
“Will it get worse?”
“Normally, it’s progressive, but it might not get too much worse. He’ll need eyedrops, and possibly glasses(3) when he gets older, but I can’t say for sure.” Hotaru patted the exam table, smiling a little.
“Might as well do a physical on you while you’re here. Get naked.” Sephiroth held back a laugh while removing his coat and halter, knowing that a physical was the farthest thing from his wife’s mind. Hotaru was right about one thing.
Hojo and his scientists had seen him without his clothes; Hotaru was the only one who ever saw him naked.
1 .) This actually does exist, though it’s a rare genetic defect. It’s easy enough to look up on the internet, too.
2 .) I noticed several of familial dysautonomia’s symptoms match the problems Hotaru has in the manga, so it seemed logical to have it as a kind of hereditary Saturn problem, possibly a way of marking the heir to the power out from average siblings.
3 .) Another of the symptoms is problems with the eyes ability to see and register things, so it seemed a logical progression from the problems that Hematite has with the lack of overflow tears. That, and the mental image of him with glasses is just so cute. Hematite hates ‘em, though, so he may spend a good portion of his life wandering around half blind rather then be sensible.