Final Fantasy Seven: Cid/Zack

Jul 29, 2007 21:44

Title: Odd Talks
Author: forgottenlover
Rating: PG to cover all my bases.
Warnings: Cussing, nudity, implied more
Word count: 726
Summary: Zack could admit he was a little fascinated with the man's facial hair.

Usually he couldn’t pin the man down for any quality time, which sucked, but he could understand why it had to be that way well enough. It’s not like they ever managed to even be in the same place for more than a week at a time, if that, and considering how long it had taken them to even get together in the first place... well, he figured he should be happy with what he got. For now anyway.

Cid was one cranky little guy, but that was cool. He could do cranky, in fact, he even offered up machine talk in turn. His thing was bikes, where Cid’s was flyers, but the fact that he even understood the muttering, and could hear it, went a long way to easing initial tensions.

He had apologized for that.


Right now though, he was lazy, content with the post sex haze that the blond seemed more than a little determined to smoke off. Fine, though he, personally, thought that the guy smelled better than the tobacco, he wasn’t idiot enough to argue the man doing it near him. Sadly, it was almost a certainty that he would lose if he tried to compete, and the guy really was an awesome person to hang out with.

When a guy could pin him down long enough anyway.

Like right now for instance. Cid was definitely pinned, what with him being sprawled out over the man’s belly and legs to use him as a pillow. He was also petting his face and was ignoring the baffled look of incredulity of said face as he gave it attention.

“Boy, what the hell do you think you’re doin?”

Well, he’d been able to ignore it up til then anyway. Grinning, he batted his eyes at the man, not quite mock teasing. “You can’t guess?”

“Yer pettin me like a cat Fair, knock it off. It’s irritatin.”

Shifting his hand away, he leaned his other elbow on the bed by the man’s side and easily met the man’s eyes, grin never fading. “Not like a cat. If I was petting you like a cat, I would have gone for the ears.”

“That’s a dog. Stop grinning like that, it was weird and you know it.”

Waving the hand that he wasn’t leaning on to dismiss the request, he half shrugged. “Yeah, I know it’s weird. I don’t grow beards anymore y’know, haven’t since the year you met me.”

“If you’re gonna call that a beard, I’m going to admit that I’m a frog. That was whiskers. Baby whiskers. What the hell ever happened to those anyway?”

“I dunno. Just woke up one morning without them and they were gone for good.” His hand drifted back towards the older man’s face and he put his finger on his chin. “What do you think, would a beard suit me Cid?”

“No. You’re too girly for a beard to look right on you.”

“I think you’re thinking of someone else there Highwind. I am not girly.”

As the blond took a deep draw off the end of his cigarette, Zack could have sworn a smirk touched the man’s lips. “Sure you’re not Fair. Sure you’re not. If you keep saying that, eventually someone might start believing you.”

“Like you?”

“Nah. I was thinking more like some other one of the folks you spend time with, I’m too smart to get sucked into that ruse. Now. Stop pettin me already unless you want me to do somethin about the results.”

The words made his grin return from the amused smile it had faded into, and he moved his fingers to snatch the remaining bit of nicotine to put it out. “I can live with that. Think you can keep up?”

“Course I can brat. It’s not like I’m old.”

Grin turning into a smirk, he crawled up to kiss the man’s chin. “Sure you’re not. Who knows, if you keep saying it, someone might believe you.”

He didn’t fight it when the man growled and rolled them over, leaning down towards him with narrowed eyes and a false angry expression. “You are such a little brat.”

“Yeah, I try.” This time, the grin didn’t go anywhere for a good long while.

Then again, it was safe to say he had good reason to keep up the expression.

final fantasy vii, forgottenlover

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