Legacy of Kain (Kain/Sarafan Raziel)

Jul 19, 2007 00:08

Title: A More Efficient Killer
Author/Artist: syvia
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 510
Summary: Kain pays a little visit to the Sarafan Stronghold. He may leave a few marks upon the residents.
Prompt: 40. Legacy of Kain, Kain/Sarafan Raziel: possession - "You will always be mine"

It is far too easy.

The Sarafan- the human- child- would never conceive of an enemy here, in the heart of Stronghold.

At least... not roaming free.

They build the doors thick, and the chains strong. Stronger far than a vampire, stronger far than a human.

But while Kain is not a fledgling, Raziel is but a human, and easily taken. Taken, bound, collared, and the chain upon it is threaded beneath a ring in the floor and attached to a hook that hangs from the ceiling. It denies the slack needed for him to stand.

Kain has no need for him to stand.

He watches the child, unconscious, trapped without yet knowing. Raziel never looked like this- not as a corpse, embalmed and entombed with all the grace and regal trappings of a king, skin leathery and decaying, face a tattered ruin. He did not look like this as a fledgling, although the similarity is strong- pale skin and dark hair, his chin sharp and cheekbones well-defined.

He breathes softly, casting moisture onto the stones beneath him. His hair fans out slightly about his face and with his limbs sprawled as they are, monk's robe- but softer far than any clergyman- covering him from shoulder to ankle, he looks vulnerable.

His chest rises and falls, his cheeks are pink, his pulse is a heady sound upon the air and he is warm.


Kain looks at him and the desire is strong, overpowering, to take that from him.

For all that Raziel is young and mortal, the sight of him stirs something in Kain's yet-beating heart. His. Always. Whatever the form, whatever would-be Kings attempt to control his movements, Raziel belongs to him. His firstborn, his childe.

For all the need and impulse, even perhaps, instinct, to come here this night and confine his future offspring, Kain is unsure of his motivations. Raziel is his, and that is enough reason, but what of the purpose? Now that he has him and they are secreted in the lower levels of the dungeons- where Raziel had come unbidden, almost as if fate were presenting Kain the opportunity to do his will- what does he want?

Humanity makes him soft- even nearly worn away by training and slaughter- Raziel, his life, gifts him emotion that the vampire will not utilize. This is a man who yet knows mercy, although he gifts it not. He knows simple joy that those of Kain's ilk fast become too jaded to feel. He can be trapped and feel fear, where the vampire would feel rage or the most basic need to attack.

Kain smiles to himself and considers wearing the edge further down, whetstone to Raziel's blade. Any action committed against the Sarafan here would undoubtedly hone his anger. The Pillar of Balance reflects that throughout the years he has ever made his son a more efficient killer. Indeed, perhaps the vehemence with which Raziel would eviscerate Janos had its origins right here, in this moment.

The thought is tempting, and Kain does so love irony.

legacy of kain, syvia

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