Saiunkoku Monogatari (Shuuei/Kouyuu)

Jul 17, 2007 02:59

Title: Let's Pretend!
Author/Artist: thierrys
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: bondage, blindfolding, cross-dressing
Word count: 1,332
Summary: Shuuei plays 'Let's Pretend'.
A/N: Prompt: Light bondage and blindfold - "All you have to do is trust me."  Sorry for the lateness. And the lameness.

“Never!” declared the captive. “I would rather die than give up the location of the treasure!”

Captain Ran chuckled, low and dangerous. “Is that so?” He paced around the mast, where the young man was tied tight with salt-drenched rope as thick as Shuuei’s wrist. He leaned forward, catching the youth’s chin with the silver, sharpened hook, and tilting it upward until the prisoner’s sea-colored bangs had fallen away from his face. “I should warn you, laddie, we do have ways of making you talk. Yarr,” he added, experimentally.

The boy rolled his eyes. “Do what you will,” he answered coldly. “I will never go back on my word.”

There was a silence, in which Captain Ran cleared his throat meaningfully. The captive heaved a sigh.

“For I am Kouyuu, the son of Admiral Kou,” he continued, “the mightiest man to ever sail the Seven Seas, and he when he learns you have taken me prisoner, you shall pay dearly.” His eyes glittered, and he very possibly meant it.

Captain Ran grinned ferally. “I doubt that,” he answered gleefully. “For I am Captain Ran, the fiercest pirate ever to fly the black flag, and in all my years of marauding, ravaging and duelling, none has yet got the best of me! Now, about the treasure.” He freed his sword and slashed through the ropes binding Kouyuu, quickly lashing the prisoner’s bound hands to the hook above his head. Turning him around,

Captain Ran ripped away Kouyuu’s sodden clothing and unbuckled his own belt, lowering his pants enough to free his cock.
“Anything you’d like to tell me?” he asked, pressing it against Kouyuu’s entrance.

The prisoner gritted his teeth and gave a fierce shake of his head. “Never!” Captain Ran pushed in. The prisoner screamed.

“Auugh! You - filthy - pirate scum! I - aaah,” Kouyuu’s protests matched the rhythm of Captain Ran’s thrusts, although he was thrusting back in a most unprotesting manner. “I’ll never - oh, yes - yes! - unh -”

This wasn’t working quite as Captain Ran had expected, so he decided to change tack. Pulling out, he cut the panting Kouyuu’s bonds and forced him down to his knees. “If you won’t talk,” he suggested, “we’ll put that mouth of yours to other uses!”

He pressed his cock to Kouyuu’s mouth. Kouyuu clenched his teeth, glaring defiantly. Captain Ran reached down and clamped his hands over Kouyuu’s jaws, pulling them open by force. He slipped his cock all the way in, until his captive gagged. Threading his fingers through Kouyuu’s hair, Captain Ran bucked his hips and pulled Kouyuu forward, fucking his mouth. At last he came, filling Kouyuu’s mouth so it was dripping with his seed.

“Swallow,” Ran growled. “I want you swallowing every last drop.” Kouyuu obeyed, licking his lips.

“I’ll tell you,” he gasped. “I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”

“Hang on,” said Shuuei. “I’ve got another idea.”


The jewel-eyed maiko blushed, pink suffusing her painted skin, as she knelt before him. “I thought you said this wouldn’t be necessary,” she whispered, her tone unexpectedly steely.

Shuuei sighed happily, taking in her stiff posture, the elaborate kimono, the rouge over her lips and the carefully styled hair. “Come here,” he murmured.

She turned her head to the side. “I dare not,” she murmured. “It is inappropriate.”

So you’re going to play it that way, Shuuei thought, narrowing his eyes. “You are right, of course,” he said aloud. “Forgive me for such an unseemly suggestion.”

The maiko only had a second to look back at him suspiciously before he pounced, pulling her forwards and onto his lap.

“You’re ruining it!” she exclaimed, as he fumbled with the obi and pulled the kimono down to her waist, trapping her arms against her slim body. “This took a long time!”

“I like it,” he whispered, one hand sliding over Kouyuu’s bottom while the other pulled her in for a sugar-flavored kiss. “It’s really good.”

“I was going to serve tea,” the maiko complained, as Shuuei shoved away the bottom of the kimono. He turned her around and positioned her, pulling her hard onto his cock. She gasped and struggled, but the kimono held her tight as Shuuei moved her up and down. She moaned as he held her against him, finding release.

“Shuuei,” she panted, resting her painted face against his shoulder. “Can’t you…” Shuuei reached down and rubbed her crotch through the tight fabric of the kimono. The flesh beneath it was hard.

“Of course,” he whispered. “Let me think…”


“Shuuei!” Kouyuu moaned, but not in passion. More like in exasperation.

Wild Man grinned. “Me not Shuuei,” he said, finishing the last knot. “Me Wild Man. You,” he said, indicating Kouyuu’s spread-eagled body, “Tiny Man. Make good sacrifice.”

Tiny Man bared his teeth, trying to pull his legs into a less obscene position. “I am not Tiny Man!” he argued. “And you are not - ”

Wild Man raised an eyebrow. “Tiny Man go back on promise?” he asked challengingly.

Tiny Man groaned. Wild Man grinned.

“Great Thunder God command Wild Man to take Tiny Man’s offering. But first, Tiny Man must be purified.”

Tiny Man did not look enthused. “Purified?” he repeated dully.

“Hm!” Wild Man affirmed. “That is why we bring these items from forest.” He indicated the wooden box by his side. “First we -“ he paused, looking into the box. He looked back at Tiny Man, who was attempting to kill him with his mind. “First we use blindfold,” he decided.

“Blindfold? No. No, absolutely not,” declared Tiny Man, but he had already made a promise. Wild Man knelt beside him and bound his eyes with a black scarf.

“Tiny Man be happier this way,” he promised.

“That is not as reassuring as Wild Man thinks it is,” Tiny Man grumbled. He could hear Shuuei moving around, finally kneeling by his legs. Something distressingly cold was pressed to his entrance. “Shuuei?” he asked in alarm. Whatever it was, it was covered in soft spines. He wriggled as it was pushed into him, rubbing against his insides. “What the hell is that?!”

“That nothing. From forest,” Shuuei answered, sounding amused, damn him.

“Is it alive?” Kouyuu demanded, hearing Shuuei moving away.

“Course not,” Shuuei said. Maybe too quickly.

“Is it dead?” Kouyuu’s voice promised painful, painful death.

“Tiny Man trust Wild Man,” Shuuei insisted. Kouyuu would have replied, maybe even acquiesced, if Shuuei hadn’t chosen that moment to slip something large and metallic into Kouyuu’s mouth. Kouyuu yelled in outrage, but only a muffled squeak came out.

“Great Thunder God demands silence,” Shuuei, back to Wild Man, told him. He straddled Kouyuu’s waist and began to hum. “Oh, Great Thunder God,” he chanted. “Your humble servant delivers this sacrifice to you.” He positioned himself over Kouyuu’s cock, pushing himself onto it. Kouyuu gasped into the gag.

Wild Man began to move. “Take this gift of Tiny Man’s seed,” he intoned, clenching his muscles. Kouyuu’s hips bucked, and with a jolt he felt the thing slide against his prostate. Wild Man leaned forward and began pinching Tiny Man’s nipples. It wasn’t long before Tiny Man came with a deep, mostly inaudible moan.

When Shuuei untied him a few minutes later, Kouyuu blearily opened his eyes to see him grinning down. “Great Thunder God thanks you for offering,” Wild Man informed him. “He says, was very punctual.”

Kouyuu punched him in the arm.


“Oh, I know!” Shuuei exclaimed. Kouyuu rolled over and shoved his head under a pillow.

“It’s not even lunch-time,” he whined. “Just how much longer are we going to do this?”

Shuuei ruffled his hair affectionately. “You promised that if I could arrange a day off for both of us, you’d do whatever I-” He was cut off as a pillow slammed into his head.

“I should have known,” Kouyuu muttered, rubbing his face. “I should have known.”

“Anyway, listen to this idea.” Shuuei leaned forward, aglow with enthusiasm. “Mermaids.”

The End.

thierrys, saiunkoku monogatari

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