Title: Introversion
syviaRating: very mild R
Warnings: I think the prompt says it all, don't you?
Word Count: 870
Summary: A few years post-KH2. Sora is bored during a lecture. Roxas is napping. Sora decides that's a Very Good Idea and joins him.
Prompt: 37. Kingdom Hearts 2, Sora/Roxas: Soulcest; sex of convenience - “Argh, this
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Comments 5
Heeeee, RoxasSora!! *rolls about in the shiny heartcest* Hee, you write it so well, dear~ ♥!
Thanks! Glad you liked it. :D
It's hot, but it's still cute and playful, and the idea of Roxas sleeping in Sora's heart is somewhere between adorable and heartbreaking and I love it so hard.
*tackles the fic and hugs it*
Even people without proper bodies need to sleep sometime? XD
Thanks. :3
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