Title: Chiding Author: Forgottenlover Rating: very hard R Warnings: Small bit of blood Word count: 443 Summary: Schuldig had thought he made the rules clear.
I loved this: The blade stayed, though the man flipped it over to the flat edge, as a courtesy, and they continued on where they left off, only with him giving the man the façade of control he'd been after.
Still, they were going to have a very long talk once they were done here.
Comments 6
I love Farfie and his pathology and Schu with his debating and yeah. Nothing to day here. -hugs-
I loved this:
The blade stayed, though the man flipped it over to the flat edge, as a courtesy, and they continued on where they left off, only with him giving the man the façade of control he'd been after.
Still, they were going to have a very long talk once they were done here.
A very, very long talk.
*can't help but laugh*
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