Playing with Guns (Resonance of Fate - Leanne/Zephyr)

Sep 13, 2011 11:55

Title: Playing with Guns

Characters: Leanne/Zephyr

Rating: Mature/Adult

Disclaimers: I do not own anyone/anything from the forum Resonance of Fate. Sega owns Resonance of Fate and its characters. There is no copyright infringement intended. I do not make any profit/money or take any credit.

Summary: Guns are fun to play with, but you might want to watch where you're pointing them

A/N: Prompt for September 10th - Leanne/Zephyr - Gun-kink - 'Some fun with Guns.'

Timeline: Post Game…I guess (You could place this after Chapter 12 - Leanne and Zephyr does seem to be closer).

Word Count: 1,966

Betaed: Nope

A/N: Both Leanne and Zephyr are wearing their starting outfits (Type A) Zephyr still blonde hair (although I really like playing him with dark hair); Leanne has dyed her hair dark.

Playing with Guns

Zephyr watched as Leanne grin wickedly as she straddled him, her fingers fondling with the zipper of his grey top before she slowly pulled it down, baring his pale skin to her gaze. Their jackets had already been flung over the chair in the corner of Leanne's bedroom.

His hands slid up her legs, stroking her calves before slipping under the skirt to touch her toned thighs as she leaned down; kissing him once she finished unzipping him. Her hands went to his chest, pushing the top over his shoulders. He pulled his hands away from her legs, allowing Leanne to remove it completely before she threw it off to the side as his hands went back to her legs.

Her fingers traced the lines of his torso before they dipped down lower, fingering the buckle before she slipped a finger between his skin and jeans, teasing him as she broke the kiss.

"Leanne…" he groaned but Leanne just shook her head, sending dark strands flying. She had dyed her hair back to brunette and he found that he liked her original hair colour. It made her look paler, more like an angel.

Her hands moved away from his belt and over to the bottom of her green top, which she slowly and teasingly lifted it up from her body. Zephyr's felt his mouth dry when he saw the pale green lacy bra she was wearing before she flung the top to join his on the ground. His hands removed themselves from her thighs, cupping her hips before he caressed her sides.

They rounded her back until they reached the zipper of her skirt and he quickly undid them. Leanne shifted to her knees, letting the skirt fall down her thighs to reveal she was wearing a matching thong with laces tied at the side, his favourite.

Leanne shifted so the skirt was off her completely and Zephyr threw it to the side, pulling Leanne back into his body. Leanne slowly rubbed her lower body against his tented jeans. She liked the rough feel of his jeans against her core.

Zephyr watched as pleasure flittered across the girl's face before she bit her lower lip, her eyes darkening with desire and he groaned, his hands tightening into fists to stop from grabbing her too hard.

She reached off to the side, grabbing the handgun from Zephyr's holster and straightened up. She brought the gun up to her chest, gently stroking the curves of her breasts with the tip. Zephyr's light blue eyes followed the gun, feeling jealous that the gun was getting to touch her.

One of her hands went back down to his buckle and she tugged on it, pulling the gun away from her body and toward his.

"Someone's been a bad boy," Leanne purred as she traced the tip of the gun against Zephyr's chest, who hissed at the feel of something cold and metallic against his overheated skin.

"Gonna punish me?" Zephyr asked. Leanne just gave him another wicked smile, her head bending down and she traced her tongue over the trail she made with the gun.

"Thinking about it," she assured him as she reached a nipple, taking it into her mouth before she moved upward, taking his lips once more. His hands came up to her hair, burying them within the soft locks.

"Punish me," he groaned against her lips as she rolled her hips against him. Leanne gave a throaty giggle as she kissed his neck.

"How would you like me to punish you?" she asked, nibbling on his earlobe. "Would you like me to touch myself, get myself off while you watch me, unable to touch?" she was rewarded with an aroused hiss. "Would you like me to order you to touch yourself while I watch, unable to come until I tell you?"

"Leanne…" he groaned, his lips pressing against her shoulders as she drew her nails down his back.

"How about this?" she sat back, bringing the gun into view. "I use this gun to play with myself." She stroked her stomach with the tip of the gun, letting it drift lower. Zephyr gritted his teeth in a bid to hold back his desire. He wanted to see how far Leanne would go.

She shifted so she was leaning on her free hand, pressed against the mattress between Zephyr's legs, the gun slipping down lower till she was rubbing against her core over her panties. Zephyr broke out in a sweat as he forced himself to breathe. It wouldn't do if he passed out!

Leanne let out a moan as the foresight brushed against her swollen clit, her hips bucking up into the gun, needing more. The gun moved down lower to her lips and she pushed slightly but enough was enough for Zephyr's control to break.

He grabbed her wrist and pulled the gun away from her core, pressing his hardness against her.

"Mine!" Zephyr hissed against her lips before he took them in a bruising kiss. Leanne didn't mind, her arms rounding his shoulders as his hands clutched harder at her butt, rubbing against her. His hands quickly moved to the sides of the ties and undid them, allowing the scrap of material to fall away, baring her core to his gaze.

He gripped the material and pulled it away from them, dropping it onto the floor as he pulled Leanne back into a kiss.

The gun rounded Zephyr's shoulder and traced his spine downward; pushing him further in Leanne's body he kissed his way over her collarbone, his hands sliding up her back. He reached her bra strap and searched for the snap only to frown when he only found smooth expanse of lace.

He pulled away from her as Leanne giggled, she handed him the gun and both hands went to the front of her bra. She slowly snapped it before she shrugged the material off her shoulders, baring her breasts before she threw it off to the side.

Zephyr watched as the green material fell to the floor and realised that he had a new favourite type of bras before he turned back to look at his girlfriend's bare breasts. Despite what Vashyron said, Zephyr didn't mind the size of Leanne's breasts, he found that they fitted his hands and he wasn't going to complain about a good thing. He took a nipple into his mouth, enjoying the way Leanne's hand tightened in his hair. He didn't mind a bit of pain.

Leanne was getting annoyed with Zephyr's jeans getting in the way and decided to do something about it. She pushed Zephyr away from her breasts, a moan of loss escaping before she could stop it.

Leanne placed the gun to the side, reaching for his buckle and she undid it, pulling the belt free and it fell to the floor with a heavy thud. She undid the buttons before pulling the zipper down to see Zephyr was going commando. He had developed the habit after they started sleeping together.

Both of them shifted so they could pull his jeans off him before it joined the others on the floor while Leanne picked up the gun while caressing him with her free hand. Zephyr's hands tightened in the bed-sheet, watching her as she explore him before she grinned devilishly, bringing the gun in between them.

She used the tip of the gun to trace the underneath of his hard erection. Zephyr hissed at the sensation while being torn between fear and excitement of having a gun close to his privates. He trusted Leanne but she did have a habit of squeezing the trigger when she got a bit excited!

Leanne pulled the gun away, shifting herself so he was positioned at her entrance and hissed as she sank down completely, encasing him. Watching him throw his head back and swallow convulsively made her squeeze her walls around him and he groaned, his hands tightening on her hips.

She raised and lowered herself, groaning when she felt him rub against her walls. Zephyr was in his own personal heaven as he watched his angel ride him, both hands on his shoulders, despite one of them still holding the gun.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, sitting up and pressing their upper torsos together. He enjoyed the feel of her soft curves against his hard planes. It was one of his favourite positions because he could feel her breasts bounce as she moved on him.

Their lips met as Leanne shifted her legs so they were wrapped around his waist, bringing their lower bodies in closer contact. Her free hand slid beneath her, using the leverage to move herself on her boyfriend, who shifted his thighs so she was slightly resting on them, giving her the boost she needed.

He grabbed her hand that was underneath her, linking their fingers together and bringing them round to their sides as Leanne began to pant, breaking the kiss to breathe.

He kissed her neck and shoulders, moving his head so he could kiss her right arm. She kissed the side of his face before her head fell back as she felt her orgasm approaching. Her walls clenched around Zephyr's in anticipation and he bucked his hips up harder into her hips.

Leanne moaned; her finger accidently squeezing the trigger and there was a loud shot as the bullet was ejected from the barrel and up into the ceiling. Leanne squealed as the dust from the plaster fell down on them before Zephyr sneezed.

A moment later, there was a sound of someone banging their fists against Leanne's door.

"Leanne? Are you okay?" Vashyron shouted. Squeaking, Leanne grabbed the blankets and wrapped it around her body just in-case their guardian barged in.

"I'm fine!" Leanne shouted back, trying to keep the fear out of her voice. "I was cleaning the guns when it went off. I thought I had the safety on!" There was a sigh of relief from behind the closed door.

"Ok, just be careful where you point it!" Vashyron called back before he left. Leanne sighed with relief before she glared at Zephyr who couldn't help but laugh.

"Zephyr!" she hissed. He shook his head, still chuckling. The look on her face was just too funny to pass up.

"Babe, don't you think he learnt his lesson from the last time he barged in on us?" Zephyr managed to ask as he gestured to the blanket surrounding Leanne's body. "After all, you pulled your gun on him and shot at the wall while screaming my name." Leanne blushed hotly as she remembered Vashyron walking in on them.

She had been so close to an orgasm when Vashyron had interrupted them, pulling her gun on him only for Zephyr to push into her further due to being startled which had thrown her overboard into pleasure and she pulled the trigger as a result.

Watching Zephyr snicker, she narrowed her eyes before her walls squeezed around him; cutting off his laugher and making him cough. She brought the gun round to Zephyr's chest, the tip still slightly hot from when the bullet ejected from it.

Zephyr winced as he looked into his girlfriend's dark blue eyes. She arched an eyebrow.

"Are you gonna finish me or shall we forget about tonight?" she asked. Zephyr wisely kept his mouth shut and she nodded as she dropped the cover, baring her body to his gaze once more. The gun dipped slightly and Zephyr froze when he realised just where the gun was pointing.

"Hey, watch where you point that thing," Zephyr warned her. Leanne blushed before she dropped it off to the side before she took Zephyr's lips back into hers, intending to finish their night.

The End

One more thing - DO NOT try this at home…unless it is a fake gun or there are NO bullets inside said gun. The last thing you want to send someone to a hospital or/and explain to the police just why you have a bullet hole in your wall/floor/ceiling.


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