Interruptions [Fullmetal Alchemist, Ed/Winry, T]

Mar 16, 2011 21:05

Title: Interruptions
Author: suspicious
Rating: Hard T
Warnings: Nothing too explicit, but it's there.
Word Count: 663
Prompt: "Fullmetal Alchemist; Winry/Ed: Interrupted sex: Are you spying on us?" (Feb. 21)

Okay, this is really late, but I didn't want to disappoint the requesters (since, as a person who had their prompt(s) unfulfilled even though they were taken, I know the feeling well). Regardless, I hope you enjoy! Better late than never.


After they couldn't take any more of what they were witnessing, they went back to the bedroom they were sharing. Ed sat on the bed and put his head in his hands. Winry paced, not sure what to do with herself. She knew Edward was going to explode.

"It's not like we didn't know it was going to happen eventually," Winry reasoned, trying to head him off.

When Ed didn't respond, she continued, "And it's not like it's not a completely normal, healthy thing they're doing."

"I don't think you saw the same thing I did!" Ed yelled, finally making eye contact with her. "My little brother was… was… having s-sex with that… little bean girl! Kinky looking stuff, too! Stuff we haven't even… thought… of doing. I can't even begin to cope. Besides, how is she not snapped in half with how he was treating her? She's about the size of an infant!"

"While that mental image of your brother fucking an infant is doing wonders for my brain right now, how do you think he does alright at night knowing what you do to me?"

Edward backpedaled. "Well, that's different-"

Winry's hands were perched on her hips. "How?"

"Well, it's… I'm his older brother. He should expect that I would have sex with my girlfriend." He paused, then nodded for emphasis. "Often."

"One, fiancée; and you'd better take to remembering that little fact if you ever want to get any again." She rolled her eyes. "Two, as a matter of fact, I think he got laid before you did. So, honestly, you're talking yourself into a hole with all of this nonsense."

"He what!" Edward stood and began marching to the door in a huff. Winry was way ahead of him. The door was latched shut, her body now blocking the way of exit. Doubly barricaded.

"Think twice about what you're going to do. Is it worth it?"

When he made another move to barrel through her, out the door, she matched him in stance. Winry began to unbutton her shirt with what she hoped was an alluring face. "Is it really worth it?"

Ed's eyes dropped south and then up again. "Yes!"

She moved in the opposite direction, buttoning her shirt more, completely. Her expression: apathetic. "Is it? Really?"

"…no," he sighed.

"Care to help me with these buttons and forget about everything else?" Winry smiled, reaching forward for him.

He accepted her embrace, making quick work with her clothing and then his. They were very much into their lovemaking, choosing to be a little more daring this time due to the previous events of their day. The inspiration hit to tie Winry to the bed, almost in a silent, defiant gesture to his brother that would be unknown-or so they thought. Edward was too busy to notice, showing Winry that he was a silver-tongued devil in more ways than one when they were interrupted.

Al pushed open the door, peeking his head in to the room. "Brother, have you seen-oh my! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

A half-lidded gaze full of lust quickly turned to one of pure shock. She tried to hide herself but the damage was already done. "Al! Ah!"

He shot her an aggravated look. "You know, I'd appreciate it if you didn't call out my brother's name-oh shit. Al! Are you spying on us? Get out of here!"

"Edward, he ran. I doubt he even heard that."

They stayed still, perched in their positions. Winry couldn't do much of anything, but Edward shrugged, going back to his business.

"Edward-ah! Don't you think the mood was ruined?"

"Mood? Nah. Let's see it as giving them something to aim for. And hey, at least you're calling my name this time."

"You're such an idiot." She tried to lean back, but grunted when he didn't continue. "All right, all right. Keep the pace, Elric, or I'll kick you out of bed and finish myself."

suspicious, fullmetal alchemist

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