Title: Forced Confessions
Disclaimer: Bleach doesn't belong to me... I just borrow the characters for my muse to play with.
Rating: NC-17
Warning/Info: Smut. Slightly OOC Byakuya. Just a tad of bondage.
Pairing: RenIchiBya
Summary: Ichigo acts on an impulse to convince Byakuya of something.
A/N: Apologies for only putting up this now. Finally edited to satisfaction. (13/02) I'd like to thank
ichibanseiken for her thoughts and comments on the original piece. Writing from Byakuya's perspective was a challenge. x.x This was written for the
springkink prompt for 8th Feb: Renji/Byakuya/Ichigo: Plotting & Bondage - There had to be a way to get the noble to loosen up for once. Sequel to
Subconscious Desires, hope it doesn't disappoint.
Nothing they tried had worked. )