Nights of Longing...
Summary:Roy let Ed out of the military early on one condition. Tonight Ed pays the price.
Catw00manRATING: NC-17
PAIRING: Roy Mustang/Edward Elric, Roy POV
GENRE: Angst/Romance
PROMPT: Fullmetal Alchemist - Fuhrer!Roy/Ed - Submission - There was one rule he kept specifically for Fullmetal.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thanks to
zippitgood for the beta. This one would not have made it without her for sure! You can particularly thank her for the hotness. ;-)
AUTHOR'S NOTE2: This fic is actually one of two and I recommend reading this fic first. The other is
...And Shattered Dreams and can be found
here. They are sort of like mirror fics but not exactly. Basically this story couldn’t be told without both points of view so I did them both. Hope you enjoy my little experiment!
DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Not mine. Not mine. I just get to play.
SPOILERS: Post Brotherhood/Manga but nothing real overt.
Nights of Longing…