Final Fantasy VI (Locke/Celes)

Jul 01, 2007 19:47

Title: Knightfall
Author/Artist: queenoftheskies
Rating: R
Warnings: Explicit sex, oral sex
Word count: 2,405
Summary: Celes walks out on Locke after discovering he'd seen Terra the night before, but after the heat of battle, they end up locked in angry/vengeful sex
Prompt: #14. Final Fantasy VI, Locke/Celes: Angry/vengeful sex - "You're still seeing her"


“You’re still seeing her, aren’t you?” Celes whirled away. She didn’t need an answer.

Good thing, because Locke didn’t even try to answer, didn’t try to console her, didn’t try to lie about where he’d been the night before. Not that it would have done any good. She’d seen him leave the Inn and had followed, fearful of trouble, afraid that the day’s events had caught up with him, or that he was injured and his male ego had prevented him from admitting weakness in front of the others.

Instead, she’d discovered that he’d needed something more than encouragement or healing. Something that she apparently was unable to provide.

She was halfway across the cobbled road before he called out to her and she heard the sound of his leather boots on the rough stone. She stopped, hands clenching into fists at her side. Let him explain his way out of this one…though something inside her really wanted him to try. He was the first person she’d ever trusted, the first person in whom she believed. To think that he could shatter her faith in him without so much as a second thought hurt far more than she was willing to admit.

“Nothing was supposed to happen.”

Celes flinched. “Bastard.” She’d trusted him and he’d made a fool of her. It wouldn’t happen again.

Seething, she ducked into the thick woods that surrounded the city in search of quiet, a solitude she could never find with him around.

The tips of her fingers tingled with energy as she reached inside for the bits of magicite that had become as much a part of her as the body parts she’d been born with. Somehow, they’d merged and fused and changed her into what she was now…a Magitech Knight. A freak.

“Wait up!” Locke shuffled through the undergrowth behind her. “Celes!”

Kefka was right. We’re different. So different we can’t trust them. We can’t trust anyone. Except for Terra. She was different, too. Better. She was a real Esper…half Esper, and Locke loved her, even though he’d pretended…

Tears burned in Celes’ eyes.

The trees swayed, cracked. Limbs dropped around her as a bone dragon lumbered into view. She dropped into a fighting stance. She couldn’t let it reach the village. There were children playing in the street, families enjoying the moment just before twilight when all was at peace and it was easy to believe that the world would be okay some day.


He hadn’t heard the dragon. She had to send him back, had to make sure he was out of the way. While he’d taken to absorbing the magicite magic well-better than most of the others-he still hadn’t reached the level of magic prowess she had, and probably never would. Better to fight alone than to have to worry about protecting him, too.

“I don’t ever want to see you again!” She sounded like a wounded lover instead of the Magitech warrior she was. With a burst of power, she cast stop. It didn’t work on the zombie creature. She hadn’t really expected it to, but it did slow the monster down.

The dragon thrashed, its bony skull tossing back and forth while its undead eyes blazed. Though it slogged forward, fighting her spell with each step, she’d bought herself time for more powerful magic. Summoning ultima, she drew her runic blade.

They’d see the spell from the village, and that was okay. By the time they reached the location and found what was left of the bone dragon, she’d be long gone, back to the capital city, back to start all over. She was a loner-and always would be. She’d work better alone, destroying the Empire from the inside instead of fighting without.

Brush stirred behind her. No. No, not now.

“Celes.” Locke breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes widened when he burst through the undergrowth. “Good gods, woman. What’re you…”

The dragon lunged, breaking free of her spell. Though her timing was off now, Celes struck, her spell cast a moment too late. A massive paw came down on her arm, slicing through her armor, knocking her to the ground. Her sword flew through the brush, striking a tree, then coming to rest with the tip of its blade stuck in the ground.

Ultima exploded inside the ribcage of the monster, knocking it backward with an explosive force that claimed them as well. They were too close. The backlash would kill them just as surely as it would destroy the beast.

Locke dove for her, wrapping his arms around her, casting wall as the first blast struck them. It didn’t hold-though it defrayed the powerful first blast-and Celes cast her own version, much more powerful than Locke’s just as his wall collapsed.

The magic bounced backward, striking the dragon which burst into a storm of splintered bones that pelted them with as much force as the magic had. In spite of the growing pain in her arm and the throb of too much magic used in her head, she shielded them, flinching as some of the sharper bones penetrated the magic force enough to strike her armor and catch Locke in the ribs and the thigh.

It was over as quickly as it had begun; the woods lay silent, though Celes knew it wouldn’t be long until the others came to investigate. Anger replaced fear. She shoved Locke away, ignoring the flow of blood that covered her armor and pooled on the ground between them.

“You stupid lout!” She regretted the words as soon as they’d left her mouth and wondered if she’d have been as angry at him for trying to help in his own clumsy way if she hadn’t been angry at him already for betraying her.

“You’re hurt.” Dipping his fingers into the sticky blood that clung to the front of her armor, his brow furrowed and his eyes darkened with worry.

She tried to ignore the concern in his voice, the pain in his eyes. “I can take care of myself. I’ve always taken care of myself. Go back to her where you belong.”

“I don’t belong with her.” His voice was quiet, but certain. “I’ve never belonged with her. I was just…” His shoulders rose and fell. “Too stupid to know that.”

He untied his bandana and dirty blond hair fell across his face. He brushed it back with a careless wave of his hand, then took her arm before she could resist. “We should get you back to town, to the healer.” He pulled off her gauntlet slowly, carefully, flinching at the new wash of blood that accompanied it. “You could be poisoned.”

“I’m fine.” Pulling her arm away hurt too much, so she relented, allowing him to remove the armor covering her arm. She hadn’t considered the fact that she might be poisoned and struggled to remember if antidote was one of the spells Locke had been recently working on.

“I don’t feel poisoned.” The words sounded as stupid as she felt.

Locke raised an eyebrow. “You’ve been poisoned enough to know it’s not instantaneous.”

“Everything I say around you is stupid.” This time, she did jerk her arm away-wrapped in his bandana-in spite of the pain.

“Maybe if you’d stop resisting.”

“Stop resisting what?” she demanded, shoving herself to her feet. She kicked at the dragon skull, lying several feet away, watched it strike a broad tree trunk and shatter before turning away. “You?”

“Loving someone isn’t a weakness, Celes.”

“I don’t love you!” she bellowed, marching for the narrowest of the dark paths leading into the heart of the woods. The smaller the path, the easier to lay obstructions, the easier to cover her tracks. “If you love someone, they betray you! They leave you! They give you away!” Strange, but she hadn’t thought of her parents in years.

Locke caught her from behind, turning her with such force that she cried out in surprise as much as pain. He pressed his lips to hers, flaming desire as surely as he fanned the flames of anger. His nearest hand settled over her wounded arm and before she could stop him, the electric warmth of healing magic flowed between them.

“I hate you!” she protested when she could breathe again. “I hate…I hate…the way you make me feel.”

Warmth spread from the pleasant stirring in the pit of her stomach, flowing down between her legs and up into her armor-covered breasts. She knew he could feel it, just as she could feel the growing desire within him.

Her eyes dropped to her arm, to the blood that still bubbled at the wound every time her heart throbbed with longing for him.

“I don’t want to go back to her.” His eyes bore into hers, deep and blue and intense.

“I don’t care!” Celes pushed him away, breaking their connection, cutting off the flow of the healing spell. “I’m not a plaything, a concubine, a toy you can throw away.”

His eyes dropped to the trampled ground. “I need you to understand. I…had to be sure.”

“Of what?” She stepped toward him, pressing herself against him. “Of who could please you the most?” She pushed him back. “Men are monsters, Locke. Sex-starved, whoring monsters! All of them.”

“Don’t tell me you don’t like it.”

The words were quiet, but they turned her anger into insanity. She’d show him she was better, she’d prove to him that he’d miss her when she was gone.

Grabbing him by the front of his shirt, she yanked him closer, claiming his lips with her own. She’d show him. She could do so much more than Terra could do.

They toppled to the ground together, her astride him, her hands fumbling with his belt. Her arm ached, but she ignored it. She’d get proper medical help in the next town. After she’d shown him, after she’d quenched the aching need building inside her.

He was hard by the time she freed him from his pants-hard and throbbing and she wished, for a moment, that he was buried inside her, a part of her, giving her what he’d given Terra the night before. The ache returned to her chest. She was better than Terra. Better. Better. What’s wrong with me?

She took him in her mouth, just the tip at first. She taunted him and teased him with her tongue, savoring the taste of him, the way he quivered beneath her gentle ministrations. Locke’s back arched, forcing his head back. His fingers clutched at the mossy ground as he thrust upward, driving his dick deeper into her mouth.

She accepted it, closing her lips around it, sucking it so hard she wondered if he’d be able to walk when she was finished with him. His hips jerked, pushing harder until his penis stuck her throat. He pulled halfway out with a moan, the soft skin rubbing against her lips, exciting the tingling down deep inside her.

She took a perverse kind of joy in his pleasure, wondering if young and innocent Terra had been willing to take him in her mouth, if she’d had him writhing, helpless like a babe, if she’d allowed him to come and swallowed everything he had to offer. Or had she presented herself to him and lay back like a child, unaware of everything life had to offer.

He came with an explosion that surprised her, filling her mouth with his essence, creamy and bitter and the last memory she’d have of him, of having him, of being part of him in a shallow, selfish way. She swallowed the memory, the taste of him, knowing once she’d left him, he was lost to her forever. He pulled free with another moan. Her last glimpse of him as she turned toward the woods was of him lying spent on the grass.

The darkness of the woods had already closed around her when he caught her. Before she could consider stopping him, he’d peeled her armor away, dropping it to the ground one piece at a time. His hands felt warm as they worked beneath her cotton tunic and up to her breasts, cupping and kneading while he freed her of the soft breeches she wore beneath her magic armor.

They fell in a tangle of limbs, kissing and sucking and feeling, so caught up in the passion that Celes almost missed the rush of healing energy as he completed repairs on her arm. He took charge immediately. She liked it when he was in charge and she could be a woman instead of a warrior, a general, a killing machine.

He tasted her, lips wrapped around a nipple, while his fingers explored inside her where it was wet and warm and dark. She closed around him, drawing his fingers deeper inside. She wanted the rest of him inside her, wanted to join with him, wanted him to promise her he’d never love another. Then she’d face death with the knowledge that she was more than a toy, a pawn, a soldier in the game of war.

He took her with his lips, with his probing, questing tongue, drawing the passion from her until she trembled in the throes of orgasm. He was ready by the time he mounted her and she gripped his hips, guiding him into her and close to her, forcing him in so deep she wasn’t sure they’d ever be two again.

In a frenzy of pounding and grinding, they both came again, him exploding inside her while wave after wave of pleasure swept over her. He collapsed atop her and then rolled onto his side beside her, gathering her into his arms with his face cradled between her breasts.

“Nothing happened last night between me and Terra. I just…I had to know,” he whispered. “I had to know that I would never leave you. I had to make sure you were the one.”

Celes grabbed him gently by a tuft of hair and pulled his head up until she could look into the glittering blue of his eyes. “But, I thought…why did you let me think…?”

He answered the question with a kiss, then whispered, “If we die facing Kefka, I want us to die together, not separated by doubt. Forever, Celes. That’s all I can offer you. My love forever.”

final fantasy vi, queenoftheskies

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