Title: my skin her finest canvas
shiegraRating: pg13/r
Warnings: painplay
Word count: 251w
Summary: Like art.
Prompt: Legend of the Seeker - Kahlan/Cara - bruises/bitemarks - "like art"
She could feel the muscles trembling under the pressure of Cara's fingertips. Kahlan's dark hair spilled over the sheets, swept over her shoulder; she made a soft, throaty sound as Cara's thumb pressed against the base of her spine.
There was a bruise where a shield had struck her, there. She sucked in a breath, her eyes fluttering shut, feeling the pulse of pain that made her twitch, her hips shifting on the bed. Differentiating the marks the battlefield left on her and the raw imprint of Cara's mouth was the fresh throb of the bite marks, the pain and pleasure running below her skin in hot red lines, indistinguishable -- inseparable.
"Kahlan," Cara said. Her own voice was scraped bare, rough with the force of her desire. She didn't have the control left even to sound commanding. "Hold still."
Her fingers clenched and tangled in the sheets. She closed her eyes and forced a breath out, letting her shoulders relaxed, sinking into the warmth of her skin and the pulse of living hurt there.
She wondered what Cara saw as she stared down at her, marking the shape of hips and spine and shoulder blades. Each new mark surprised her, the brush of Cara's hair the only warning before she deliberately set her teeth against the curve of Kahlan's flesh and bit down. Kahlan couldn't see the pattern, but it was clear that each
"You're beautiful," Cara whispered against her skin, and Kahlan shuddered and gave herself into her hands.