Title: Night on Gagazet
akikoRating: PG-13/R
Word count: 390
Prompt: Final fantasy X, Auron/Braska/Jecht - this could be the last time you feel someone’s skin, not harsh in retribution or punishment for sin.
Summary: Auron has a plan to distract them from the upcoming battle against Sin.
Notes: Could be a follow-up to "A Road too Lonely for Two."
We stopped on Mount Gagazet, though the sun was still high. Braska wanted to be well rested when we fought Sin in Zanarkand.
Jecht and I set up the tent, and Braska lit a fire. It was easy for him: a word brought a jumble of sticks to life and warmth.
"Want any fresh meat tonight?" Jecht asked.
Braska turned to him, his mouth amused under sad eyes. "We should finish the provisions we have."
Jecht scratched his head. "Right. Sorry. I was just thinking we might want to save a little for afterward. In case."
In case one of us survived. Never before had either Guardian or Summoner returned from Zanarkand, but Braska's explanation of history hadn't quenched Jecht's cheerful hope. He almost gave me hope that we could break the cycle.
Braska said nothing. I felt melancholy settle over our camp like the snow on the mountain.
"Jecht," I said, then beckoned him over. "I have an idea." He leaned over and I whispered it in his ear.
He stood up and grinned. "I like that."
"I thought you might." I walked to the fire, where Braska sat. I knelt beside him. "My lord Braska, would you grace the tent with your presence?"
He tilted his head and looked at me, comprehension slowly dawning. "It wouldn't be right. A Summoner must be --"
I stroked my finger along his cheek, and he stopped. "This could be the last time you feel someone's skin. I can't think of a way I'd rather spend this night."
"Nor I." Braska rose, and I followed him.
Jecht waited in the tent, seated on his bedroll. Our bedrolls were spread out together, side by side, as we'd spent many nights. Braska shed his robes as he dropped to the floor and pushed Jecht onto his back. Mine joined his on the ground. I lay beside him and Jecht, my body pressed against theirs.
Jecht shifted and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I traced my fingers down the smooth skin on Braska's back, and he kissed me. I felt Jecht's face press against mine and his teeth scrape my earlobe.
"Now," he murmured.
I shifted my weight, Jecht shifted his. We pressed Braska onto his back and carried out my plan. For those hours, none of us could think about the next day's battle. All we knew was each other's touch.