Saiyuki (Hakkai/Gojyo)

Jul 01, 2007 13:14

title: Something Borrowed
words: 3600
rating: NC-17
prompt: Saiyuki, Hakkai/Gojyo - Silk dress, "tastes like candy"

Notes: It's plotless, it's cliché, it's a challenge cop-out (and it's unbeta'd). The upside? It's finished, and it's porny.

The first thing that occurred to Hakkai when he opened his eyes to the shadow he sensed leaning over him in the dark was that if Gojyo had come back to their room too drunk to rouse when they were being attacked and was in fact already dead, Hakkai would never forgive him. The second thing that occurred to him was that the attacker was a woman; he could feel the lengths of her hair brushing his skin as she leaned down, could hear the soft slide of silken fabric across skin as she moved. Without thinking - without even being completely awake, if truth be told - he launched himself up out of bed straight at her, and he could smell her too, a strange mix of perfume and musk, almost recognisable, clinging thickly to her skin as he bore her down to the floor with a twist and the weight of his body.

She was bigger than he expected - that was the third thing he noticed - made a more solid sound on impact and gave a heavy grunt of surprise as he fell with her. And then she was all limbs, surprisingly large hands scrabbling at him, her body under the smooth fabric of the dress she was wearing shifting underneath him, sinuous like a captured serpent. Hakkai struggled to keep her still for a moment, shocked at her strength, trying to get a good grip on her and, oh, where was Gojyo when his killer holds were actually needed? Probably still out, drinking, gambling, turning down anything and everything with that winning smile of his and a 'Sorry, babe, but I gotta get back', and that annoyed Hakkai only slightly less than the fact that Gojyo would have scoffed at him - and if he was in fact still alive, Hakkai would willingly hear it - for going easy on a woman. She was an assassin, of course, and she wasn't likely to go easy on him, given the chance, but using his full strength was less than desirable. Perhaps if he could just-

Hakkai drew a breath as she twisted unexpectedly, broke his hold - such strength! - and grabbed his head, and he braced himself for pain as she dragged him down and-

Kissed him.

For a second it didn't really make any sense. This was the first time any assassin had tried to... And this one was more than merely trying; Hakkai was shocked to hear himself make a small, involuntary noise, muffled by the tongue that filled his mouth, that stroked just so and she tasted smoky and strangely sweet, he thought; like cigarettes and one of those hard, suck-them-all-day candies, of all things.

And that's when Hakkai came properly awake.

"Whoa! Hey!" the familiar voice he already expected gasped, laughing, as he attempted to ram a knee between his assailant's legs. He didn't manage to connect of course, because the skirt was a little tight but it won him the distance he wanted, and the hands that had been holding him fell away to thud against the floorboards in a gesture of instant retreat.

"Now, is that any way to treat a lady?"

Hakkai reached up and fumbled for the bedside lamp, knocking his reading glasses and book off the tabletop in a clatter before he managed to find the switch. A puddle of light swamped the room and sprawled beneath him, glossy lips pulled wide in a grin, dark, kohl-lined eyes sparkling up at him, soft lengths of rich, red hair fanning out across the floor, was...

"Gojyo," Hakkai concluded aloud.

Gojyo, in a dress. A black and royal blue silk cheongsam, to be exact.

Hakkai blinked. "Gojyo," he said again after a moment, because it still wasn't making any sense, no matter how many times he repeated it to himself. "You're wearing a dress."

Gojyo didn't laugh, but he certainly looked like he wanted to. "I know. D' you like it?"

Hakkai blinked again. Did he like- "Are you drunk?" He didn't smell drunk. "You... You..."

"Idiot? Moron? Bastard? Heh heh. How about 'bitch'?"

Hakkai pushed himself up, rolling back to slump against the edge of the bed half in relief and half in a completely unsuccessful attempt to make the situation make sense - he had been deeply and happily asleep, after all, and while he had expected Gojyo back at some point, this was a little difficult to assimilate before his first cup of tea.

"I thought you were an assassin!" he scolded, unnecessarily perhaps but it didn't hurt to stress a point with someone like Gojyo. "I almost killed you! And why are you wearing a dress?"

Gojyo grinned at that, with his usual casual disregard for things both foolish and dangerous, and sat up. His hair swung forward in a glossy red curtain, and he fussed it back in a familiar gesture made almost completely unfamiliar by fact that his fingernails as he did so flashed the exact same colour of the motifs woven into the silk of the cheongsam. "Let me tell you about the night I've had, Hakkai," he began, eyes dancing. "You're never going to believe this. See, there was this girl at this bar..."

Most of Gojyo's stories started with 'There was this girl at this bar...'. Hakkai still couldn't see the connection, but perhaps if he waited.

"And I was seriously making a move, except, well, turned out she wasn't..."

"A girl?" Hakkai supplied, when it seemed Gojyo was not getting to the part where he explained why he was wearing a dress.

"What? Hahahaha! No. No. Although that could have been funny..."

Hakkai refrained from saying - but certainly thought quite firmly - that no, no it would not have been funny at all.

"And, y'see," Gojyo began again, and his tongue flickered out to wet his lips; gratuitous really when the gloss he was wearing had already painted them a glossy, flushed red. Hakkai really did make an attempt not to fixate, but it was practically impossible when Gojyo didn't even seem to really understand what kind of subtly erotic picture he presented in that moment. "Well, she was kinda taken. So then, well, there was me and her and her girlfriend and it was all good until we got back to their place and it sorta turned out that they only wanted to undress me so they could make me pretty and dress me up again... Weird girls. Had some kind of beauty spa kink, I guess. Gave me a facial, of all things. See? Smooth as." He reached out, grabbed one of Hakkai's hands and tugged it over so that he could bring it against his cheek, and then proceeded to nuzzle against it like some kind of happy cat.

"No. What? No." Hakkai was not picturing any kind of feminine domestic scene involving Gojyo, body peels, mud masks and manicures. He was not.

"Pashed each other while they were waxing," Gojyo murmured, eyes half lidded and watching him as he dragged his mouth softly over the palm of Hakkai's hand. "It was quite the show. So, you gonna ask?"

"I..." Hakkai began, completely forgetting for the moment about his captured hand, and almost in fact forgetting how to string words together to make sentences. "...Ask?"

"Where else I'm nice and soft and smooth."

Where else he was- "No!" Hakkai decided, wondering exactly how steady his voice sounded as he tugged his hand out of Gojyo's grasp, possibly a little too quickly. This was too much, just too much for a man who had been travelling for the last eight days, the discomfort of driving punctuated only by fighting, eating and sleeping and Gojyo much too far away, burrowed alone in his bedroll and... "I wanted you here tonight," he said suddenly, and he didn't care that it sounded like an accusation. "And you weren't."

"Hey. Hey..." Gojyo said gently, reaching over with his other hand to cup the side of Hakkai's head, his expression suddenly devoid of all mischievousness. "You needed time, right? Didn't you?"

Hakkai stared. It was true, probably. Gojyo had been gone by the time he'd emerged from the bath, and his book, his glasses and a fresh pot of tea had been waiting for him in a quiet, comfortable room. At first Hakkai had resented his friend's absence a little; he'd been looking forward to something other than a quiet night alone. But as usual, Gojyo had done exactly what Hakkai had needed, and eventually Hakkai had finished his book and fallen asleep, content and momentarily care-free.

"Yes," he agreed finally, defeated.

"And I stayed away as long as I could," Gojyo said meaningfully. "Honest."

"And came back looking like... dressed like a... a working girl." And Hakkai was only half joking. Gojyo wasn't exactly a feminine man but Hakkai was having a great deal of trouble right now deciding why it was, in that case, that he looked so very, very good.

"Oh," Gojyo said, and the tease was back in his smile again. "Is that why four outta the five guys I passed on the way back here asked me 'How much?'"

Hakkai looked at him warily. "What on earth did you tell them?" He meant it as an innocent question of course, but Gojyo had a native talent for corrupting the innocent with a mere look; he tilted his head to the side, hair falling silkily again, and smiled almost sweetly. Then he rolled forward onto his hands and knees, hitched up his rather fitting skirt and took one, then two stalking steps towards Hakkai with all the focused intent of a very large, very hungry looking cat.

"I told 'em I wasn't sellin' it," he husked, and the light in his eyes had gone dark. "To anyone but you."

Hakkai stared - matter of fact he could not have looked anywhere else even had he wanted to. "You..."

Gojyo smiled. "Don't believe me? Do I gotta paint you a picture?" Lips parted, still smiling, and Hakkai watched as the tip of Gojyo's tongue traced the pink flesh of his upper lip in a lewd demonstration of exactly what he intended to paint with. Hakkai felt a small rush of heat answer the question in his eyes.

"...No, I don't believe you do," he conceded slowly, his own tongue suddenly clumsy in his dry mouth, and Gojyo smiled again.

"Good. 'cause when those girls sober up, they're gonna want their dress back. So how about getting up on the bed and thanking me for giving you some peace and quiet."

"You stole..." Hakkai shifted almost automatically, pushing himself up to sit on the edge of the bed as Gojyo crawled even closer and insinuated himself into a kneel between his legs. "Gojyo, if they somehow turn up here while... I honestly will never forgive you."

"Then," Gojyo smirked as his fingers started plucking gently and yet with surprising haste at the draw string of Hakkai's pyjama pants. "I'd better make it quick."

Hakkai breathed in as his pants loosened and came open; watched, shivered, as Gojyo shifted closer and his warm hands, with those painted nails, drew him out and curled carefully around him. "Don't you dare," he told him, and the only response he got was a grin ruined by Gojyo opening his mouth and leaning down.

Hakkai breathed in, sighed out an 'Oh... ' and tried to hold the next breath over a suddenly racing heartbeat; Gojyo's lips clinging gently to the crown of his cock, the delicate curl of his tongue around the head and the wet heat of his mouth as he sucked was better in that moment then a hundred peaceful nights. Gojyo's cheeks hollowed for a moment, redefining the scars across his cheekbone that not even make-up could hide, and the pressure from the suction made Hakkai curl his fingers into the blanket underneath him. He could feel the rough flat of Gojyo's tongue along his skin as he hardened, shuddered as the tip of Gojyo's tongue found and traced his most sensitive places with shocking accuracy, and he looked... He looked beautiful; the way his eyelashes rested dark red against his cheeks, the way his lips flushed, wet and lush, and his hair... Hakkai reached down and sifted the glossy strands of Gojyo's fringe through his fingers for a moment, then smoothed his hand over his skull and gently pushed him down. Gojyo made a small, muffled noise around him and then took it, his throat relaxing enough to accommodate the head of Hakkai's cock.

"Oh," Hakkai said again, closing his eyes for a moment and now he couldn't breathe. "Oh, your... lack of gag...reflex is so..." But formulating further thought on the subject was pointless when Gojyo's talents and the sensation far exceeded mundane descriptions. Gojyo was swallowing, his throat working while his breath stirred the hair at Hakkai's base and his fingers peeled the fly of Hakkai's pyjama pants further down and then it felt like his fingertips were everywhere; gently massaging his balls, sliding along the crease of his thighs, the backs, dipping down between his buttocks in a teasing caress that inspired a shudder that was half involuntary thrust. Watching Gojyo while he did this was, under normal circumstances, one of the most erotic things Hakkai had ever encountered - watching him now, in that dress, with his eyelashes sweeping down against flushed cheeks in an expression of happy concentration and his lips stretched wide and glossy red around Hakkai's cock, approached painful.

And then, the rolling reflex of Gojyo's throat around him as his hand slid between Hakkai's body and the bed and a fingertip found him and pushed carefully inside. Hakkai's breath froze in his chest, his body suddenly aching for it, needing it, the desire blossoming in his chest like the need for oxygen in thin air. He shuddered as Gojyo pushed deeper, stroking subtly as his throat worked again and Hakkai heard himself moan low and loud. That was it, honestly it; he was only a man and it had been a long, difficult week and this sort of time alone together was so infrequent it was sometimes a surprise to recall there actually was this side to their relationship at all. Hakkai turned, and dove for his bag at the end of the bed.

Dislodging Gojyo abruptly of course, who barely had time to sit up and blink before Hakkai was pressing their lube into his hands. "Fuck me," he panted. "Right now."

Gojyo stared at him a half a beat, and then grinned. "Well, if you're gonna ask that nicely..." Still grinning, he popped the cap on the lube and reached for the toggle buttons at his throat. Hakkai reached out and closed his hand over Gojyo's.

"No," he told him, his throat almost too dry to speak. "Leave it on."

The grin failed. "On..." Gojyo blinked again, as if Hakkai had just said something strange. "Oh, I fucking love it when you're kinky." He looked so serious, Hakkai had to laugh, breathlessly, leaning over to take his face and kiss him, smiling, and then kiss him again, sweeping tongue and teasing teeth until the expression had gone glassy with lust.

"And I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Now, please, if you wouldn't mind."

"Okay. You're the boss."

Hakkai huffed out another laugh and let himself be pushed back down onto the bed, shifting into a comfortable spot as Gojyo hiked both his knees over one shoulder and held them there while he tugged the back of his pants out of the way with the other hand. "Correct. Gojyo? I was just wondering; you wouldn't happen to be wearing panties under that dress, would you?"

"Like any chick's stolen knickers would fit me," Gojyo scoffed, and Hakkai felt warm, greasy fingers slide over and then gently into him again. "Can you imagine?"

Hakkai sighed out, concentrating on the slide and press of Gojyo's slow, careful fingers. It was amazing how Gojyo hardly ever caused him any discomfort doing this, let alone actual pain. "Oh, I certainly am imagining," he agreed. Either it would be hideously funny, or shockingly erotic; possibly both. He wondered what Gojyo would taste like through the silk, imagined himself sucking him until the fabric was soaked and Gojyo was struggling not to come. And then he added some nice, sturdy straps to the picture, tight around Gojyo's wrists and arms and possibly even another for a blindfold and decided that he would find some panties to fit even if he had to make them himself.

"You are so tight," Gojyo was telling him, bending a little and turning his head to press kisses against the side of his flank as he worked three fingers smoothly in.

"Really?" Hakkai murmured, and even he could hear the roughened, murky tone to his voice. "Well, I was thinking about the panties."

The next kiss against his skin was part smile. "Kinky bastard. Sorry to disappoint you."

"Oh, I'm not disa..." The rest of the word was forgotten as Gojyo kneeled up and with both of Hakkai's legs still hooked over one shoulder, pressed against him and then eased in. "Ahhh..."

"Shit," Gojyo panted in agreement, and for a moment didn't move. Hakkai stared at the ceiling - rather clean in comparison to some he'd seen - and focused on what he could feel; the press of Gojyo hard and full inside him; his large hands, one gripping his outside thigh to keep his legs up and the other gripping his hip to keep him in place; the way the dress was scrunched up at his waist and brushing against the backs of his thighs; the feel of his own heartbeat racing expectantly in his chest, waiting.

And still waiting. He shifted, and Gojyo made an odd noise.

"Gojyo...?" He lifted his head, but Gojyo's own head was hanging, rather than lifted towards him, and something was...not wrong, but different; something...

"Shit," Gojyo groaned again and his grip tightened a little more. "That's..."

Now Hakkai was starting to worry. "What? What's wrong?"

Gojyo fumbled for one of his hands, and brought it awkwardly down to where they joined. Hakkai's fingers brushed skin, smooth, hot, soft, and for a second he didn't quite...

"Oh," he breathed, realising. "Oh." Gojyo's body, where normally Hakkai encountered coarse, red hair, was completely, startlingly smooth. "Oh, they..."

Shaved him. Oh, God, those women had shaved him. The image he'd forcibly denied before, when he thought Gojyo had only been teasing, leapt to mind; Gojyo, naked, spread, his genitals smeared with shaving cream, a wobbly, almost-cocky grin on his face as he tried to act cool, even while he was trembling and holding his breath under delicate, steady hands and the slow, careful scrape of a razor across his skin...

"Hakkai, oh shit." Gojyo had lifted his face, but his eyes were still shut and his skin was flushed hot across his cheeks like rouge. His lips parted and trembled with a steadying breath. "This feels... This feels so... I'm think I'm gonna..."

It took Hakkai another moment to catch up. "What? No!" he gasped but Gojyo, eye's still closed, started to thrust - hard and deep - and suddenly he couldn't think, couldn't get his breath. He scrabbled at Gojyo's arms for some kind of purchase only to clench shuddering fingers into Gojyo's flesh as Gojyo folded his body further up onto the bed and curled over him, grinding merciless against his prostate and forcing another moan out of him.

"No, wait!" Hakkai panted. "Slow down! You have to wait... wait for...! Oh, God..."

"Fuck, Hakkai. Fuck. I can't-"

There really wasn't anything Hakkai could do. His legs were trapped, twisted in his pyjama pants and trapped, hooked over Gojyo's shoulder, and Gojyo's weight and the position and the quick, strong thrust of his hips pushed Hakkai further and further across the bed until he was forced to brace a hand against the wall for counterweight and it wasn't comfortable, exactly and yet Gojyo was trembling against him, reaching for him, his expression wild, his eyes dark and blind and the biting, panting, awkward kiss he pressed against him left Hakkai wanting to beg, wanting to take it, make it last, draw it out...

But Gojyo was close, and not stopping and Hakkai reached for himself desperately, tried to shift to take Gojyo deeper and he could manage it if only Gojyo-

He barely had a hand around his own erection when Gojyo pushed in so hard and deep it forced Hakkai's breath out of his lungs, and then Gojyo was shuddering and choking on a moan and the syllables of Hakkai's name and Hakkai could actually feel the pulse of his cock as he spent himself.

And then Hakkai was staring at the ceiling again, and Gojyo was practically a dead weight on top of him, fighting to catch his breath and panting harshly against his skin.

"Holy shit. Sorry. Fuck. That was so- Fuck. Sorry"

"Move," Hakkai ordered, pushing Gojyo's lax form roughly until he was sprawled on his back, the silk dress still up around his waist somewhat more crushed than before, his softening genitals exposed, glistening with lube and traces of spend, completely bare. Hakkai gave it only as much of his attention as he needed to reach for the discarded lube, slick his aching erection up, lift and spread Gojyo's limp legs and push in without any further preparation.

Gojyo shuddered again and groaned faintly in protest at what was probably a little too much sensation too soon after his orgasm, but Hakkai thought he was well within his rights after that not to care.

"You're mad, huh?" Gojyo mumbled, as Hakkai dragged his hips up onto his lap to seat himself a little more deeply, and leaned over to trap Gojyo in the fold of his body.

"I'm going to fuck you," he told him clearly and with what he liked to think was one of his more accommodating smiles. "Until you're hard again. And then I'm going to make you come all over your dress."

Gojyo laughed at that, breathless, and slitted his eyes open to look at him. "That'll be a bitch to wash out," he gasped, and arched his spine to spread himself wider across Hakkai's lap.

"Maybe," Hakkai agreed, and thrust again, and despite the picture Gojyo painted underneath him - hair tangled, legs spread, silk dress twisting further and further up around his chest, skin shining and flushed and crotch smooth and hairless - he was quite confident he could last considerably longer than Gojyo just had. "But it'll be nothing in comparison to the regrowth of all that hair."

But, Hakkai supposed, perhaps he could just add more razors and shaving cream to the shopping list.

saiyuki, devikun

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