Title: Age and Youth
misuraRating: G
Warnings: none, really
Prompt: Vampire Game, Ishtar/Darres: forbidden pleasures - "We are so young now."
Summary: On some days Darres feels older than on others.
A/N: A shortie.
Darres knew that he was far too old for Ishtar - Princess Ishtar, he berated himself, call her 'Princess', you idiot. Or 'her royal brattiness', which would serve just as well to remind him of what and who she was, with the added benefit of fitting her far better than a dignified royal title. He was close to twice her age. He was old - and he even had begun to feel it, some days, when nothing seemed to go right and Sir Keld wisely kept his distance, thereby robbing Darres of the chance to compare the two of them and decide that, really, if Sir Keld was old (and almost everyone agreed he was) then Darres couldn't possibly be old as well and his age was merely the result of over-exposure to Ishtar.
Of course, on nights like this one, with seemingly half of Pheliosta swarming the ballroom looking for entertainment, his age seemed to have been reduced to that of the twelve-year-old he'd never been, with ladies twice his age (at least) telling him what a 'nice young man' he'd 'grown into'. He considered himself lucky most of them were too short to be able to pinch his cheeks.
“The princess certainly seems popular with the young men this evening,” Yujinn offered along with a too bland smile and a glass of wine.
“Only because they don't know her,” Darres replied sourly. The wine, he found, was excellent - not at all what he had expected at an occasion like this one.
“Jealous?” Yujinn asked. He didn't seem to be entirely serious, but then he didn't seem to be entirely joking, either. Darres made a mental note not to accept a second glass of wine from Ishtar's new tutor that evening.
“She's Saint Phelios's heir,” Darres said shortly. “Who wouldn't want to marry her just for that?”
Yujinn smiled and raised his glass, saying nothing in return.