Precious Butterfly [Card Captor Sakura, Syaoran/Sakura, R]

Nov 04, 2009 00:26

Title: Precious Butterfly
Author: arizonaicerose
Disclaimer: I don’t own it nor do I imply that I do. I am only borrowing the CCS characters and world for my own fun.
Rated: R
Pairing: Syaoran/Sakura
Fandom: Card Captor Sakura
Warnings- sex (not overly graphic though)
Prompt: - first time "after leaving high school, Sakura feels it is time to finalize her relationship with Sayoran"
Summary: Finally graduating from High School Sakura decides to take the final step with her relationship with Syaoran.
A/N: Ok so I love this pairing and just HAD to take this one! I hope all of you like it! I hope it sounds ok, my muse took this in a different direction then what I had planned to do. *bows* Enjoy!

I am so sorry this is late, it just decided to be a pain half way through and just stop writing. However I went back and yelled at my muse and got her to behave long enough to finish this!

Brown hair fans out on the snowy pillow, a sharp contrast between the two colors. Shadows dance on the walls as a lone candle lights the room; Syaoran had ran around frantically looking for a candle, saying that it would make the night even more special. Though she swore the night was special enough.

Sakura sighs as she feels the soft mattress under her, normally she would sprawl out relishing in just how comfortable her boyfriend’s bed was. It was softer then any other bed she’s ever laid on, almost like lying on a cloud of feathers. But tonight she cannot think of the softness of the bed; her only thoughts are on the boy who is kneeling beside her.

Swallowing hard she forces her best smile, after all she knows she wants this. This was her present for Syaoran passing high school; they both had bowed out of graduation parties tonight in favor of spending a night together.

After years of being together- first as rivals, then as friends, and finally dating- Sakura was ready to finally take the final step. The furthest they had ever gotten before was sweet, loving kisses shared between the two of them.

“Are you sure?” Syaoran is sitting on the bed beside her, his back to her while his legs hang off the side.

“What,” confusion and doubt flood her eyes and Syaoran wants to kick himself for hurting her. “Am I that undesirable that you don’t want to touch me?”

“No!” Just where did that come from?! He wants a manual on women, seriously he wishes they came with instructions on what to say or do.

Breathing deeply to calm his already frayed nerves he tries again. “Never. I just don’t want to hurt you. You’re my precious butterfly.” His voice drops to a whisper.

“But I want this!” Sometimes she can still sound like the little child that she had been years ago- heaven knows she has the energy of one. A hand covers his, fingers intertwining before she continues. “I want us. I want us to be together. I’ve thought about this a lot and I love you. And I’m ready.”

Her face turns to mocking in an instant as she stares at him. “Unless of course you aren’t. Maybe you know you won’t be able to do anything tonight at all.” A smirk crosses her faces as her eyes stare into his breaking contact only long enough to flick down the length of his body before raising back up.

It’s only an instant but the meaning is clear- even if she made it discreet. Though he would never expect her to say such a thing.

A disgruntled huff is all he can manage as he turns away crossing his arms over his chest. The attack was low and dirty yet he still cannot find it in him to be annoyed or angry. He can only smile while trying to hide his face from her.

“Fine,” he huffs trying his hardest to pretend he’s upset by what she just said. He knows he’s failed when he hears her laugh from her place on the bed.

She still hasn’t moved- he realizes as he glances back again- from the spot that she had first laid down. And he has to admit that she is just too delicious to ignore. Her school uniform is rumpled from when she plopped down- heavily, though he would never tell her that- on the bed. Her legs are separated just enough for an invitation of just what he could experience. One arm is lying along the top of her head, fingers playing with a lock of her hair while the other had taken to twisting her uniform top- a nervous habit that she had developed through the years.

Gently she reaches up, her hand cupping his warm cheek. Syaoran smiles as he leans into her touch as his dark eyes flutter shut. His hand covers hers as he loses himself in her touch. Syaoran swore her touch was magical, every time he could feel himself fall into it until he can’t remember his own name.

Slowly he leans down, his lips just a breath away from hers as he stares into her beautiful, bright green eyes. Leaning up she closes the gap, stealing his breath away. The kiss that started out innocent enough soon turns passionate as they tangle their fingers into each other’s hair.

Syaoran combs his fingers through his girlfriend’s hair; his thin, long fingers sweeping through the soft tresses as he pulls away to catch the breath he so desperately needs. Below him Sakura is gasping too, her cheeks flushed a bright pink. A smile spreads across her face, eyes twinkling at just how happy she is right now.

Greedy for another kiss she grabs him roughly and pushes their lips together again. Green eyes close as she looses herself in the kiss. Above her she can feel the bed shift under Syaoran’s weight and her heart skips a beat in excitement with a tinge of fear. Tomoyo’s words come back to her again as she whispered about her first time.

However all of her thoughts and worries floated away as she felt fingers gently trail down her neck and along her collar bone. Moaning at the light touches she cannot help but shiver. Breaking the kiss she can only gasp and writhe in ecstasy that fills her at the tender kisses.

Leaning back to sit on her legs- while careful to not hurt her- Syaoran carefully trails his fingers along her body, pushing clothing out of the way. He takes his time making sure to memorize her body. Slowly he learns where she loves to be touched, where she hates, and just where her ticklish parts are.

Reaching up Sakura cups his cheek again, her thumb caressing the soft skin. Her eyes stare into his, loosing themselves in the depths of emotion.

Carefully clothes are shed though tossed carelessly around the room (she knows that it will be hard to find them in the morning) and soon they’re laying in bed beside each other carefully exploring each other again. Tongue, teeth and lips trail down Syaoran’s chest and stomach as his fingers scratch ever so lightly at her back, fingers trailing along her spine only to scratch back down her back.

Planting a soft kiss on his hip Sakura starts her way up again as her fingers trail along his sides. A smirk is pressed against his navel as she feels him squirm at her questing fingers at his ribs. A light glare is sent to her as Syaoran tries to act annoyed at the relentless attack on his ribs; however, it’s a loosing battle as he giggles under his breath.

Carefully he lies her on the bed, her hair fanning out again on the pillow as he carefully lies above her. Gently he presses his lips against hers as his fingers reach down low. Slowly he presses a finger into her, watching her back arch, a hiss falling from her lips. Fingers dig into his arms as she feels the probing finger slide in and out of her. He makes sure to move slowly, letting his precious butterfly get used to the feel before moving on. He would never hurt his butterfly. Never.

A second finger is soon added and she arches in pleasure as her hands start to slide along his muscular arms. She can tell he’s been working out again, though he had always been muscular from day one- hunting Clow Cards was a great form of exercise.

Before she knows it he’s pushing into her, her body stretching to limits she never knew it could. Teeth gnaw on her lower lip as she tries to ignore the quick flash of pain that shoots through her. She knows it will leave soon, she just has to be patient.

Above her, in her pleasured filled haze, she can hear Syaoran gasp and she can only imagine how it must feel for him. Reaching her arms up she wraps them lightly around his neck as her eyes open again (just when had she shut them). Smiling lightly, more seductive then she thought she could ever manage, Sakura wraps her legs around his hips, pushing up to show that she was ready.

Carefully- Syaoran refuses to hurt his precious butterfly- he rocks against her. Sakura can only gasp as her back arches sharply. Somewhere- it doesn’t even sound like her voice anymore- she can hear pleasured gasps and cries echo in the room. Fingers curl in the dark hair of her lover as Sakura leans up, her lips attacking any part that she can find.

Soon- quicker the what both wanted yet longer then they had expected- they’re lying beside each other exhausted. The smile that Sakura had since he began is still on her face and he can swear that she is glowing. It reminds him of the ‘new mother glow’ that women gets and he can only silently wonder what else could make her glow so brightly.

“Are you ok?” He still is worried that she may be hurting. His precious butterfly was something to be cherished and loved not crushed.

“Yes,” she breathes, her throat starting to sting at the cries that she had screamed out before. It almost makes her remember of the concerts she’s been to. “That was wonderful.” Carefully she turns to her side, the smallest of winces crossing her face but before any remarks can be made it’s gone and the smile is back again.

Syaoran can only laugh as he brushes his fingers through her sweaty locks. He would never understand his precious girl, even in fifty years (when they were grey and wrinkled) he knew he would still never be able to understand her.

Yet he can only agree, nodding slightly as fatigue starts to slip in.

The bed dips slightly causing Syaoran to open his eyes again, really when did he close them? Close to the doorway is Sakura glancing back, her bare body shinning in the silver moonlight.

“Ah sorry!” She cries out suddenly, turning and bowing before pressing her hands to her shoulders as if to cover her. “I was going to take a quick shower, I’m really sweaty. But I’ll be back soon! I promise. Go ahead and sleep and I’ll be back.”

Before he can answer or move she’s turned and running for the bathroom. A grin spreads across his face as he imagines the sight of her running naked. Perhaps next time he should try to get her to do that. Snickering under his breath Syaoran tugs the comforter up to his chin. He knows he should shower too but he’s just too tired to think of such things.

“Really,” he whispers to his pillow, “where does she get that much energy from.”

Silence is the only answer he can get as he hears the shower start up in the distance. Every second the sound slides further away as he feels sleep tug at his tired body.

Besides the morning would bring delicious treats again, he’s sure of it. A smile crosses his face as he finally give in to the fatigue that had pulled at him.

card captor sakura, arizonaicerose

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