Title: Light in the Night
magicgenetekRating: PG
Warnings: incest if you squint, Rurouni Kenshin spoilers
Prompt: Rurouni Kenshin, Enishi/Tomoe: hallucination - he knows it's not her, but he finds himself touching her anyway.
Word count: 213
Summary: Enishi sees his sister at night.
Sometimes, when the moon is full, Enishi wakes to find Tomoe at his bedside.
It doesn’t happen as much as it used to. When he was younger, he would find her at his side every night, a cool hand on his forehead, a smile as bright as the stars on her face. She’d sit by his bed and offer him her hand and he’d hold it, warm and smooth and blue with the dim light of twilight, until he fell asleep.
Now when she comes, if she comes, it’s different. He reaches out to touch her and she holds him. Her hair, darker than the night, hides them as he touches his lips to hers.
She’s not real-no, she is real, but she’s not there like a human would be. Perhaps hallucination, perhaps dream-he doesn’t care. Her skin is as pale as the moon and he draws kisses over the curve of her neck, the marks healing over before he can move away. It’s not her he touches-she was buried long ago-but he finds himself drawn to her anyway, kissing her before she can fade back into the night.
“Soon,” he whispers, her hands ghostly on his shoulders, “our revenge will dawn.” And she smiles like the morning sun.