(no subject)

Jan 30, 2010 09:00

I've started taking a belly danng class.


The first 6 weeks is isolations and veil work, and I'm doing really well with the core isolations, but not so great with footwork, and headwork. And My the veil I baught is a little too big.

Our instructions: 3 yards of fabric. So I picked some out got it and said "weee" well apparently 52" fabric is ideal...and I got 60" fabric, so for now I'm using a couple extra tucks to get it done. Its no huge problem but I'm short!! So next week she's having me bring a tape measure and we're turing it into a more oval shape...well going to mark it out and then I get to either cut/hem myself or ask a friend.

Now let me tell you the HARDEST thing we did do in class; and I want yall to try it and tell me if you can do it--be honest now. While standing Squeeze your right buttcheek. ONLY righty. Now ALSO squeeze lefty. Now let righty go but no not relax lefty. Now relax lefty.

Seriously--harder than it sounds. EVIL BUTTCHEEKS! (btw its easier while siting)
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