Oct 21, 2010 00:19
Hi folks!
Life has been hectic, like usual these days. I have a new job (same company), I am finally joining the Church at Four Quarters (only took me 5 years to make the decision). I have been singing with Philadelphia Voices Of Pride this semester instead of taking classes. I plan on going back next semester, never fear.
My new job involves a lot of editing, which makes me happy. I am not a good writer, but I enjoy editing quite a bit. I'm a technical writer, more or less. It's been fun and a lot more flexible than my last position. I actually get to go home after working a normal day. This is... amazing. @tychoish keeps suggesting I look for a new job. We'll see.
I've been dancing a bit, I have been going to LaB (Lindy and Blues) after rehearsal at times, and it's been fun. I am still a terrible Lindy hopper, but I have been enjoying the blues. I went to the Youth Dance Weekend and had a great time. No bit Contra events scheduled until November, when I am going down to ATL for a dance weekend. In March (on my birthday!) I/we are throwing a Techno Contra. I am hoping to get my fabulous friend Spider out here to call.
I've been a bit too overwhelmed to really get the Braintrust morris side together, especially as it looks like @tychoish is moving to NYC soon. (Anyone here looking for an awesome roommate?). I feel lame about not getting it together, because I really really want there to be more morris in my life.
Love life is... complicated. No recent breakups, still with @rhythmandbruise and @lucy_the_uni and mad flirtations elsewhere.
I was inspired a little bit to write creatively again. We will see if I actually follow up.
Singing with PVOP has been ok, but I don't think I will go back again. I usually have class on Tuesday anyway. I find choral singing to be damned frustrating, though I will probably be a better singer for it. Chorus is also taking up a lot of the time I would be singing otherwise, and that's annoying. I want to sing with my Sacred Harp folks. I miss singing in my chest voice. I miss knowing songs. I miss the shapes! Most of all, I miss the people.