Dream 001

Oct 07, 2010 21:46

Warnings: None
Effects: A feeling of happiness and a sense of belonging.

[The dream begins in a setting that looks a lot like a classroom. In the middle of the room is a group of five desks pushed together. At each desk is a student, three of them teenagers and the other two several years younger than the others. Each person holds several cards in their hands, some more than others.

Rika is seated next to the only boy in the group, who has a serious expression on his face and several beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. He's the only one in the group who looks stressed while every other member has a smile on their face and half as many cards in their hand.

Rika smiles and takes a card from the boy, Keiichi's, hand. The card matches with the only card in Rika's hand, and she smiles as she puts the cards in the center of the table. "I'm out!"

In response, Keiichi buries his face in his arms. "Rika-chan, why do you do this to me?"

She only smiles.

The game goes on, each girl getting out one by one. First Mion, Satoko, and then Rena. As this goes on, Keiichi's mood seems to decline and he becomes progressively less confident in his gaming skills. He screams. "No, I have to do the punishment now!" The rest of the group only laughs in response.

Rika smiles and places her hand on Keiichi's head. "There, there, Keiichi. There's always next time." Although she's not truly trying to comfort Keiichi, the smile on her face is sincere.]

Rika wakes up from the dream, rubbing her eyes sleepily. That same smile from the end of her dream appears on her face as she recalls it.


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