Meh.. I dunno.

Mar 14, 2007 13:31

--In keeping with my recent spat of lonely space faring stories, I finally watched Solaris (1972) which was great. Its like Bergman in space (I could just see a studio exec saying that). At times, it was barely science fiction at all. It didnt feel quite as isolated as 2001, which is one of the main things i like about that type of sci fi.

--I've got about 100 pages left in the de Kooning biography, but i was craving fiction so I'm running through the Arthur C. Clarke "Odyssey" series. Is that what its called? Anyway, I'm on 2010 right now. I guess since the film and the themes are so huge, I expected the book to be more dense. 2001 is around 200 pages and I read it in nearly one sitting. The sequel is not much longer. But again, an emphasis seems to be desolation, so is it contradictory to describe the nothingness of space with pages and pages of words? Its fun to read the words of HAL and have that iconic voice in your ears.

--I've got a lead on a pass for the Skinny Puppy show so I dont have to go to Convergence. I'm not counting on it, but I'm being persistent.

--We've got a final script for our next film ready. Its longer than i would have liked (22 pages) and will involve many locations. I think its a good story, but i havent found the part/theme of the film thats going to make me want to invest 6 months of my life into it. Maybe its there and I just have to find it. Need to make a budget, but I think we've raised about half the cash so far.

--Old friend is coming up from San Francisco this weekend. Nick and I are going to show him the town and go to the Sword show tomorrow night. Metal. About swords and wolves. Righteous.

--Actually, theres lots of great music coming up: Mastadon, Morrissey, Horse Feathers, SP...

--We celebrated Ben Murphy's birthday with our Fourth Annual "Riding with Death" screening complete with birthday cake and, this year, an emotional retrospective of photos and music, courtesy of lx.

--My futon is fully broken and thats frustrating.
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